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Live game hand from last night. flopped 3rd to nuts. with heavy action.
This is a hand from level 3 in a £27 bh at the circus casino in Edinburgh. First hand after the break.
I will write this down as its played.
Blinds are 100/200
UTG folds
+1 folds
MP raises to 400.
folded to button who calls 400.
Im in SB and look at 7h 8h and flat call. (first desision point i have 8K back would a squeeze be ok here?)
BB calls.
Pot - 1200
Flop 9s, Tc, Js
I check (Desision point two, can i lead out here)
BB checks
Raiser checks
Button bets 600
I re-raise to 1500
BB calls.
Raiser folds.
Button snap shoves foir around 14K more.
Im all in to call. I suspect im behind and rather drawing very dead. The button has be very tight and is a much older opponent who ive never played before. Hes been very reluctant to put his bounty on the line at any point.
The BB is also still to act behind me. Hes just joined the table after late reg and has a similar but slightly smaller stack than me.
3 points to discuss here. Whats you views.
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I agree though this is a very tough spot though and would not be confident and at best have to brick the board pairing
also pre and flop raise are fine imo
I lead flop, c/r seems fine too, but I make it bigger with 3 opponents still in pot
snap the shove, loads worse gets it in. I cant see how you can consider raise folding a straight on this board
Decision point 2, I'm definately leading into two opponents here for around 2/3rd pot. Theres plenty of hands they'll call with that your betating, plus that they'd like to call to improve to.
3rd point being do you call the snap shove? Its player dependant. He's pushing alot of hand there to protect a solid 1pr + draw, 2pr or set. Doesnt hae to be KQ. I think I cry call hoping to see the bottom of his range
lead flop big tbh you do have a vulnerable idiot end straight so i am not giving any cheap cards
as played i can't see how you fold here, your beating there 2pr/set/draws - the only hand is KQ
hope it worked out ok for you
2. If you were prepared to re-raise to 1500 why not bet 1500? (just saying! ala TK)
3. It's hard NOT to go broke here?
I reckon btn has been portraying a tight image in order to take advantage later, and as this is the first hand after the break.....
Wasn't TK was it?
I folded the hand. While showing after the BB showed and this got me the info i wanted on the opponent he was about to muck when i flipped my cards over, and he said good fold and showed KQ of spades for straight with Flush redraw.
nice fold.
wp old man.
Obviously i can look like a complete mug doing this aswell.
Curious as to bigger players opinions on showing a fold like this in a way to intise our opponent to show.
As regards showing what info do you you gain when (a) he shows, (b) he doesnt show, and how will you use this info. You give away way more info than you gain imo. If you have a plan to exploit their perception of you showing might be ok, I wouldnt show here though ever
Scotty, why lol at villains shove. Seems fine to me given action in hand and board texture
You giving away so much info that basically your going to be folding to anyone repping the nutz.
I honestly don't mind the fold if this guys is so tight he only shows up here with KQ.
Maybe in hindsight a call then evalute the turn might be the better option.
Gotta agrre with scotty I would flat this c/r for sure with KQs, not really worried about anyone elses hand
One of them spots where either play is only the best play according to if you can get all there monies
Very player dependant
oh wait, maybe they do
Also im happy people thinking im tighter than tight. When i put my tournament on the line which i do, do alot with air. Then they think i have to have it and they fold alot tighter. By showing im also gaining tables respect and more likley to get bluffed at for when i do have it.
Now i know this is a difficult debate im just curious to your opinion.
I already said showing might be ok if you can exploit the perception it creates, I doubt people will try bluff you off much too often 30BB deep though
I usually show in these situations, for multiple reasons. Usually it talks them into showing anything but a bluff. It also creates an image and i usually try to stay aware to my image on the table.
the whole reason why i post this is to learn. I feel i have alot to learn and i want to do that. Although i need to work on my off the table antics first.
"Nice bluff idiot/douche/muppet/clown/luckbox/donkey". Pick any or all of last word
Shocking how often it works.
Seriously though you can say many comments of this nature, but in a friendly way that will have the same result.
Most pure recreational players hate their image to be challenged and will often seek to reinforce their quality hand with a show. Also alot of people dont need much encouragment to show a bluff