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Team51........ The bink thread
Post your successes on here Team51 heroes.
As captain and general dogsbody I'll start it off
elsadog03£616.35 + 144 League Points
0 ·
hitmansin820001£100 + 20 League PointsOzzie0802£62.50 + 16 League PointsThommo69303£37.50 + 12 League PointsPOKEOFFU04£27.50 + 8 League Pointswizardk05£22.50 + 4 League Points
Most of my recent success has been on another site where I've made over $1,000 profit in the last 9 days. As for Sky, I was running badly for the whole of May, one RNG special after another. However, since I joined T51 things have really turned around, my bankroll is steadily heading north again. These were my final 2 games this evening;
cheers gary, i know the feeling been on a horrid run on mtts on sky and only just recently started playing again.
congrats on ya cashes always nice 2 come back in2 a bit of form
Always the bridesmaid never the bride
mchugh07921900001£80 + 20 League PointsOzzie0802£50 + 16 League Pointsewen4403£30 + 12 League Pointscodman3004£22 + 8 League PointsSoreknees05£18 + 4 League PointsHeavy2206
1 more note Team 51 is trying 2 recruit Heavy22, class plyer
Heavy is actually me in disguise
£20 Guaranteed
Tournament Complete
Finished at 00:54 - 12 Jun
Welcome to the wonderful world of Pot Limit Omaha!
Amazingly I have been credited with 2nd place - but i did win - I love the 4 card wizardry!!!
Long time no see imber, srry i dont chat on the tbs these days normally 9 tbling, so must try harder 2 get that chat box open lol. Nice result in the omaha
Must be time for team 51 to take primo down 2nite
kyla1600001£80 + 20 League PointsOzzie0802£50 + 16 League Points
lewbloo760001£36 + 10 League PointsMICKEY_J02£21.60 + 8 League PointsOzzie0803£14.40 + 6 League Points
I can feel a big win coming, I hope neways
Just a 2nd but better than nout
£25 Guaranteed. SUPERSNEDD5550001Entry to £8k Sunday Rollerdrumahai0502Entry to £8k Sunday Rollerdantb1003Entry to £8k Sunday Rollernagrom04Entry to £8k Sunday Rollergooner5505Entry to £8k Sunday Rollerphelan0506Entry to £5,000 Sky RollerWacko9007Entry to £5,000 Sky RollerCHILLIE08Entry to £5,000 Sky Rollermrg709Entry to £5,000 Sky RollerBOYDID010Entry to £5,000 Sky Roller
Nice results team keep em coming, Wp drum best of luck in the roller
i didnt even cash in that dym cos i got sucked out ;(