Shanxta wot happened to you mate? You was in and gone b4 i noticed....
Poker Trev...well done sir on ggetting 4.00 up to over 14.00...
...commisiorasions (no idea how u spell dat) on leaving with nothing.... me...I done a buyin and a top up but when ev1 left i had got a couple o quid back...result...
so while i'm tellinh the missus all this guff she informs me she earlier took down a 2.20 ds for over 40 quid...MEGA!!!! Well done my sweety-pie! XXXX
Right i'm off to spew a couple a buy-ins to elsadog @ plon2/4
4 quid waiting to be transferred to your account....
Neva too late... i'll give u 5 mins to post on here if u wanna try and get a 2/4 plo cash this time...
Shanxta wot happened to you mate? You was in and gone b4 i noticed....
Poker Trev...well done sir on ggetting 4.00 up to over 14.00...
...commisiorasions (no idea how u spell dat) on leaving with nothing....
me...I done a buyin and a top up but when ev1 left i had got a couple o quid back...result...
so while i'm tellinh the missus all this guff she informs me she earlier took down a 2.20 ds for over 40 quid...MEGA!!!! Well done my sweety-pie! XXXX
Right i'm off to spew a couple a buy-ins to elsadog @ plon2/4
...wish me luck :O
Come BACK Elas!!!!