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Its all over, FINALY reached the finish line!!!

edited June 2011 in The Shed
well hello again folks and folkesses......

Yep, its just me, smiller poping back to give an update on the stuff going on away from the tables.....
well as you may know I passed my driving test in April.... Im getting used to being out on my own in the car now too, ( ok I am expecting some feedback on being aloud out alone anyway, so get them outta the way then read on ;0 lol)

Well to make the life of smiller even more great and full of joy, I have also completed my degree!!!!!  Dissertation in and passed ( 3 points away from a 1st too ) Practice based work done and graded as a 2:1, and the rest is in and around the same grades too..... looks like I may finish with a 2:1 over all classification after all.... but not set in stone yet, as my 2nd year grades were avg: 56%.......

Anyways, the news of me completing my degree just goes to show you CAN play poker AND get an Honors degree too.....
However, I must add that moderation is key!!!

My Fiancee has also just completed his 1st year at uni, and he has done awesome!!! averaged at 70% on each module he done..... CLEVER wee $h**    :)

So in the home of smiler, its all good......

However, I must add I am sick of folk ( drivers, USUALY cab drivers, seeing my stabalisers aka P plates and choosing to try freak me out on the road to work!!!)

PLEASE MR/MRS Cab driver leave me the fluff alone!!! THE P PLATES are there for a reason, NOT to invite you to come within inches from my boot and rev your engine and then start to laugh when you see me fluster a little!!!

Ok rant over re: drivers

Time to go celebrate my new life as a post graduate  with Honors :)   YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


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