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On a major downswing. What to do in this spot?
I think you played it fine at this level just a cooler
you have posted the result so im not going to answer poll but after flopping 2 pair at nl4 im getting it in every day of the week and twice on sundays :P
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Hand History #379750373
A7/A8 , seriously try playing nl4 grantorino unless you have a solid read not that their tight but they are super nitty and always have the nuts then you can never fold here. TPTK is nuts nl4 go have a couple hours and let me know how u get on
Some people will also overplay AK/AQ here although probably get in pre also, i really dont think we can fold in this spot ever at nl4 imo
edit- we also beat flush draws which is more reason to get it in
I'd be a lot happier getting it in on the flop, most of the hands you expect to overplay are way more likely to do it there, in my experience. People (even at 4NL afaik) dont go broke as light in limped pots. 56,78 or sets are way more likely to play like this than an overpair or A7/A8 imo.
I do like the strong pot bet on flop but sometimes you have to have patience and believe me you will ALWAYS get spots to win money at NL4, here I just couldn't be certain and this looks so much like 56 that I would hate to hand over my stack that easily.
Alot of the time at this level this stinks of a big over pair.
ul if they've got trips
For me this just doesnt feel right.
That said, he is also likely to turn up with AA, KK here sometimes.....not enough times to warrent a call though.