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Poker T-Shirts

edited July 2011 in The Shed
Hi Guys, have just started a little business venture and would be grateful for any feedback or advice – especially for anyone out there who could help me with SEO.

Basically, it’s an online clothing store - all designs are mine and original. The site is at

Whilst I’m here, I might as well direct you to the two poker t-shirts I've done ;)

Thanks in anticipation, and this is a genuine request, if anyone out there is a whizz with Search Engine Oprimization and pay-per-clicj campaigns, I'd love to hear from you.


  • edited June 2011

    Hi Mr FlutNush,

    That is the 1st serious post I have seen you put on here :)
    I wondered where ya had been hiding!.....I have actually missed your wit on these forums!
    I wish you all the best on this venture, and hope it goes well Sir.
    I will not be purchasing anything today but I have perused your site.
    The only ones I can think off who might be able to help you in the geek stuff is...
    Aaron (Machka) or
    Danny (dannymc?)

    Best of luck anyway,

  • edited June 2011

    A bit expensive!! I would much rather pay no more than a fiver for a t shirt, would it not be better to get them hand made in an indian sweatshop, they can use kids as young as 6 with really tiny hands, great when you need that added extra detail, and no company corporation taxes or mega lunch breaks to pay for - really is a win - win situation, but just forget about the returns policy if i was you, i hope this helps, if not gl with your present business plan

  • edited June 2011
    Thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated.

    Alan: I'll give those two a go next week, thanks for the tip.

    Loony: You're correct, they are expensive, but remember they are limited-edition; only 50 of each printed. Plus, they're all hand-stitched by God’s own little cherubs and then transported from Ambrosia on the backs of be-winged Unicorns. Which all costs money you know.

    I’m not sure about using child-labour though. Being a responsible father myself, I’m loathe to think of any child employed in any pursuit other than the idle pursuit of abandonment and leisure. You know the stuff; watching Dora The Explorer; buying cigarettes; drinking bleach (accidentally); trying to nail other children’s heads to balloons and seeing if they can dismantle the kitchen table and flush it down the loo.

    Mind you, if the cost saving is that good...

  • edited June 2011
    Nice site. SEO-wise you are in a very competitive space I wouldn't want to give advice without looking into the market properly, which could take many days and dollars. Assuming you're on a bootstrap budget you could do worse than sign up for a few months at somewhere like, which will at least teach you the basics and common pitfalls to avoid.

  • edited June 2011
    nice site sir. I like the Nuts design and may invest in it at somepoint. Although this weekend is impossible will re-asess on monday/turesday and consider. Best of luck
  • edited June 2011

    I wish you luck, looks good!!

    speak soon !

    The Hitman
  • edited July 2011
    Sorry for being rude guys, didn’t see these additional posts... thanks again for your kind words and support.

    Don, if it converts you into a customer, I'll give you £10 off that Nuts T-Shirt - yours for £20 with free posting. In fact, any Sky poker player that wants the same can have it. You'll have to PM me though, as it isn't up for sale at that discount on the site.

    It's a deal, it’s a steal, it’s the sale o’ the century ;)

  • edited July 2011
    Hi flutnush great website and designs,really love that baron samedi
    one,very unusual.just one question,do you take paypal?
  • edited July 2011
    Thanks igimc...

    That’s actually a good question... all Junk Male payments actually go through PayPal and their secure servers, but I need to check to see if I can accept direct payments via PP.

    In the meantime, if you're genuinely interested, drop me a PM, because I'd be offering Sky players a discount anyway, so it may be better to do it over the phone via PayPal accounts, as I wouldn't be able to apply the discount through the online shop.... if you see what I mean...

    I might be doing hoodies too soon. No pressure like....

  • edited July 2011
    look great mate
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