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Pretty easy deepstack fold right....?
£1/£2 cash table, 6 or 7 handed I'm sat around £450. Open for £7 UTG with AcJc, TAG BB calls from SB (£660ish), Lag calls from BB (£380ish)
£21 pot, flop AhKhJh.
SB checks, BB checks, I lead for £14, SB TAG muicks, BB LAG instantly makes it £130. I've been pretty inactive, so I have to believe he knows I have a hand. Trouble is he can easily do theis with JxQh/Ax10h type hand, just looking to get it in and race.
I think for ages, do the whole show. Its only an allin or fold decision really. His bet is just too big, I've only invested marginally. He either has a made hand (10Q or two hearts), his bet doesnt really give me the opportunity to fill up on value. So I fold AJ face up. Table mates call me an uber nit.
My hand doesnt really play well against a c/r's range here, plus it felt like he wanted action.
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I cant get it to copy across but I got 47% equity on pokerstove against what I thought was reasonable range (a pretty bad one for you, you may be a little better), which I think means you can get it in. Reads on what his overbet means would be important. Im also not so sure you cant flat here, kinda sucks calling that big a raise though
I'm just not happy calling off that much to c/f turn/to still be drawing real slim against a made hand/or missing value when the turn bricks and we see four checks or a c/f by opponent.
Plus if the turn bricks and he leads I have no more info than I did on flop. I could still be drawing to a FH.
I really dont feel like i can justify a peel here, like I say, I could be wrong though. Hated folding to him though. It was the guy from the other hand I posted (the 2nd nut straight vs weak two pair A7) so i got it all in the end anywho
Thankfully I waited out opponent on this hand so long he agreed to show, showing 10Q for made nut straight, no heart. So I couldnt believe in the other hand he could have struck gold again.
Definately not the way I play the vulnerable nut straight, with the 3H board. I knid of wanted to say to thim at the end of the session that how these two hands played might help his game.
He makes a vulnerable nut straight, massively overplaying it, forcing a fold and gaining the utter minimum.
I make the nut straight and take everything in front of him, my folded hand being significacantly stronger than his was at any point when I felted him.
But this would clearly have been terrible form, plus I was too busy stacking my chips