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A hand that played out last night in our local league.. Your thoughts/comments please.
Player 1 is holding full house A's full of 2's, player 2 is holding 2's full of A's, all five cards have been laid and players are deliberating over bets. Big pot has built up through flop, turn etc.
Player 1 raises 20k, player 2 throws in two chips representing the 20k and at the same time says "all in", player 1 does not hear him say "all in" and thinks he has just called (busy place, lots of noise!) player 1 shows his full house and player 2 thinks he has folded as he has shown his cards and trys to claim the pot, player 1 insists he did not hear the all in. Discussion amongst players follwed and the outcome was that player 1 took the pot including all of player 2's chip as the others heard the allin, they all felt that player 1 would still have called the allin had he heard it.
I wasn't there but feel the fairest out come would have been to leave the 20k call in the pot and player 2 stays in the game. I am aware that if your hand is declared to opponents, it is void, but in this instance he was showing to win the pot.
Player 2 was very gracious in the end and accepted that player 1 would have called the allin given his hand.
Your thoughts?
thank you
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