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Mastercash Hand which has bugged me for a week
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance0mcSmall blind £1.50£1.50£1258.71RUNITSRANNBig blind £3.00£4.50£708.40 Your hole cardsQJ BrownnDogFold LOL_RAISEFold CoxyLboroRaise £12.00£16.50£601.50TommyDRaise £36.00£52.50£994.670mcCall £34.50£87.00£1224.21RUNITSRANNFold CoxyLboroCall £24.00£111.00£577.50Flop K35 0mcCheck CoxyLboroCheck TommyDBet £81.00£192.00£913.670mcRaise £162.00£354.00£1062.21CoxyLboroRaise £243.00£597.00£334.50TommyD
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But, my instinct tells me that a shove cant be a winning play over time..
We have 8 outs, assuming our flush is live. ( i dont think the 5 spades is an out here)
If it is three way, based on the size of the pot, then we may have the price.. Im too thick to work it out tho (unlike gt, who is too lazy)
But, i dont like it. I fold.
Ok let's tie this one up as it was on TOTP again last night. I folded, Coxy had a set of Threes and 0mc had AK. 0mc shoved over the top, Coxy called and I would have missed.

Nice to get some assurance
without bein results orrientated, didnt coxy have a set in the end?