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I have already mentioned this hand to a few people on the forum, with the majority saying fold......but my arguement is that the villain is widely know for being very laggy. I have 12 bb's and have been bullied by the table for a number of orbits. I'm 43rd in the primo with 30 cashing when I get this hand, It's blind on blind notes on the villain indicate to me that he would shove on me with any 2 here, especially as I had been very nitty for the whole tourney as well as being a nit in general! I won't say who who the villain was but should i just fold here or was I right to draw a line in the sand???? All constuctive criticism wanted or abuse put yourselfs in my spot......easy fold? call?
x | Small blind | | 200.00 | 200.00 | 5288.00 |
waller02 | Big blind | | 400.00 | 600.00 | 4908.00 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
Alkurt | Fold | | | | |
nervesof | Fold | | | | |
shawsok | Fold | | | | |
oldrectory | Fold | | | | |
x | All-in | | 5288.00 | 5888.00 | 0.00 |
waller02 | | | | | |
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The call was purely villain dependant also, I will reveal who the villain was in a bit, sure he wot mind cos everyone knows his game
reasons i said i would fold cause
1) I would rather be the person shoving with A5 for my tournament then calling off with a rag A
2) 12bb in an anteless tourney is enough to find a better spot
3) it was mentioned how close it was to the cash and i said i would be looking to lock up the cash by continuing to play how waller said he had been playing as a nit then re-evaluating once the min cash is locked up while shoving 77/88/99/TT/JJ/QQ/KK/AA and AJ/AQ/AK with A10 being thrown in maybe
4) I also said I can see why he called as was mentioned villian and his obvious range BvB
5) it depends what your gut is telling you and how much that min cash would do to your BR
Money in First.
(A5 is not a great hand to be calling off with... its easliy dominated, and its never a huge favourite against anything, at best 60/40)
I would usually fold. The exception being when someone is taking the micky by bashing my bb every single round. In which case i spite call, knowing im ahead of his range.
But, when i do make these spite calls, although i am ahead often, they often hit.
I would much rather wait for a shoving spot myself. and with 12bbs we can wait a round or 2 imho.
My fold has got nothing to do with wanting to mincash, it it just a former dym grinders reaction to calling off with raggy aces... urgh....
Overall though I'd much rather just let it pass and continue to shove with air as when I'm calling off I like to be a little more asured than a rag ace.