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Hand History #384296267 (13:51 21/06/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceWAREZSmall blind £0.04£0.04£15.01UareLIMPERBig blind £0.08£0.12£7.28 Your hole cards10J NanamveFold toffee8305Call £0.08£0.20£5.66leoliamCall £0.08£0.28£14.48SPAZMOFold WAREZRaise £0.16£0.44£14.85UareLIMPERRaise £0.32£0.76£6.96toffee8305Fold leoliamFold WAREZCall £0.20£0.96£14.65Flop 9102 WAREZCheck UareLIMPERBet £0.48£1.44£6.48WAREZRaise £1.20£2.64£13.45UareLIMPERRaise £1.44£4.08£5.04WAREZAll-in £13.45£17.53£0.00UareLIMPERAll-in £5.04£22.57£0.00WAREZUnmatched bet £7.69£14.88£7.69WAREZShowQJ UareLIMPERShow10J Turn 5 River K WAREZWinStraight to the King£13.76 £21.45
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3betting pre with this hand is appauling expessially at this level. PEOPLE AT LOW STAKES DONT LIKE TO FOLD. ABC Poker a flat is fine but we;re not Playing for TP.
Stacking off with TP is just lol. Mistakes i used to make are all clear in this hand. QJ is the only thing you beat that shoves.
3x Q
4x K
4x 8
and running spades to hit. Which is a decent amount of outs.
3betting pre is terrible at these stakes with TJs.
Why do you post in the clinic if you know it all?????????
This is about as spewy as it gets. I dont mean to be rude but I dont think you could play this hand worse if you set out to.
Hate the 3 bet pre, then you get your stack in with top pair no real kicker. Really are just playing with your cards in the air praying that your good and praying that you hold. Just awful.
He check raises you on flop, then 4 bets all in. What are you putting him on here?? You end up calling off your stack with 1pr no playable kicker. You try and trap/outplay him, instead he felts you with an equity hand!
If you have a read great, but your not beating enough hands/equity to 3 bet a check raise then call a massive4 bet jam.
At these levels its hard to centre a hand around position, because its very unlikely his play is going to be anywhere near as cerebal as yours. If he flops good, he wont care about being OOP, therefore position doesnt offer the advantage that you would hope for.
Flat pre, fop a whoppa multi way, go for value town, c/f, b/f the rest.
You say you have a read what is it? Also being in position is not a reason to raise. why do you never flat pre?
why did you min 3bet pre?
why did you bet flop
why did you 3bet flop?
Some of the criticism is over the top in this thread , but I agree with most of the opinions that this is bad unless you have reads which say otherwise. Also your sizing is lolbad