And also, can we have a screenshot of your wallpaper without the table covering the semi naked lady.
According to the chat box, the 9 of clubs in the guys hand is actually the 3 of you've somehow manipulated the picture to turn the 3 into a 9......
They look pretty spot on though, so either you've done a cracking job of it, or sumthings up!
Im so guillable!!! lol. Can we still see your wallpaper plz? Wouldn't you also have to anticipate this happening in order to get the screenshot? If it wasn't anticipated, you would need to identify the issue, then jump straight in and get a screenshot within a couple of seconds. What a plonker. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
In Response to Re: URGENT!! 2 CARDS 1 DECK!!! MUST SEE RIGHT NOW!!! : You call that properly!? I'm a graphic designer/web developer by trade fella, heres your work done properly. Posted by Discopig
Pretty much identical.
Why would you do that in the first place? It's like you're going insane, do you hate this site that much?????
In Response to Re: URGENT!! 2 CARDS 1 DECK!!! MUST SEE RIGHT NOW!!! : Pretty much identical. Why would you do that in the first place? It's like you're going insane, do you hate this site that much????? If so, why????? Posted by DOHHHHHHH
In Response to Re: URGENT!! 2 CARDS 1 DECK!!! MUST SEE RIGHT NOW!!! : You call that properly!? I'm a graphic designer/web developer by trade fella, heres your work done properly. Posted by Discopig
should have changed the other guys 9s to the 9c aswell. then add some chat in the chat box from yourself claiming you also had a 9c then maybe, just maybe its done properly.
You forgot to doctor the chat box Disco, it was the 3c according to that.
I'm trying to find that wallpaper
I'm a graphic designer/web developer by trade fella, heres your work done properly.
They are not the same mate you can see garys on the left and mine to the right(how it should look).
Resolution has dropped a little on mine as you can see around the red arrow because it has been through the image host a few times
I can't find one on my computer which I removed the text from I must have deleted it