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Think I am going to have to start sucking up to the powers that be, like some do
Hand History #385103281 (22:03 23/06/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceHarrycat33Small blind 150.00150.00380.00SighKOBig blind 300.00450.006880.00 Your hole cardsAK BLAGS01Fold paulo5502Call 300.00750.0011920.00THEKOP235Call 300.001050.0012760.00Harrycat33All-in 380.001430.000.00SighKORaise 900.002330.005980.00paulo5502All-in 11920.0014250.000.00THEKOP235Fold SighKOAll-in 5980.0020230.000.00paulo5502Unmatched bet 5040.0015190.005040.00Harrycat33ShowQQ SighKOShowAK paulo5502ShowKK Flop 455 Turn 2 River 10 paulo5502WinTwo Pairs, Kings and 5s15190.00 20230.00Close windowNext
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lol i dont suck up but i do ok but i prefer to concentrate on my own game rather then blame RNG or the site for being against me :P
ive also seen ak folded to a raise and reraise all in on many occasions