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How to deal with spam....

edited June 2011 in The Shed
Dear Friend,

I am presently in Afghanistan for peace keeping; I have finally secured the money Sixteen Million US Dollars (US$16,000,000.00) and have every proof of this transaction. I am ready now to transfer the money to your Bank Account.

I will transfer the fund through HSBC Bank as I have discussed with the Bank Manager, They do International fund transfer. I will inform you on what to do when I finally transferred the money into your personal bank account as your share still remains 20% of the total fund.

All modalities to effect the payment and subsequent transfer of this Fund have been worked out. This transaction is 100% free risk but requires 100 percent confidentiality. This is a golden opportunity which much not be allowed to slip out of any careless acts and utterances.

I have intentionally left out the final details for now until I hear from you. To affirm your willingness and cooperation to my proposal do send your details to enable me start transferring the fund immediately and your direct mobile number for easy communication as I cannot leave Afghanistan because of the nature of my work.

I will like you to acknowledge the receipt of this e-mail as soon as possible via my private EMAIL: ( and treat with absolute confidentiality and sincerity, do not disclose this transaction to anybody as to protect my duty with the US Army.

Thanks and Best Regards in anticipation of your response

Colonel Lincoln Coles,Jr.
US Army Peacekeeping,
Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, Afghanistan.


Dear Colonel Lincoln

OMG Thank you so much! I know it is only 20% of the $16 million, but this would be very handy at the moment - especially as I am doing a wee bit of decorating round the house and that and this extra money will buy a few extra rolls of wallpaper and cover almost all the petrol for the return trip to B&Q.

Of course I will send you my bank details and thank you soooooooo much again

Bank Account Number 0989 0354675 294848

Bank: Bank of Noddy, Toyland

Thanks again


Thanks for your mail. You are required to re-confirm your bank details to avoid error during the transfer from the Bank. As soon as you have re-confrim your bank account details i will be at the HSBC Bank to transfer the fund directly to your personal bank account.

I will scan and send to you the transfer payment slip immediately the fund been transferred to your bank account for confirmation. I will be glad if you can scan and send to me any means of your identification for proper documentation and better understanding.

Kindly send your direct contact mobile telephone number for easy communication.

Col. Lincoln Coles
Yes I confirm I do have a bank account and I am happy for you to put 16 million dollars into it. In fact I will take a picture of my bank and send it to you in return for the money. I may even manage to persuade the bank manager and staff to stand in the doorway and wave at you (except if it is a Monday of course because they aren't usually that happy on a Monday and are unlikely to agree to waving I can scan the photo and email it to you if you like, or maybe get it printed on a mug and post it to you? Which would you prefer? Oh, and as you are sending me $16 million don't worry about the cost

Thank you again for picking me to be the recipient of this very generous gift. Can't believe my luck really, only the other day I placed a Cosmic Order for $16 million - how's that for a coincidence?

I really look forward to receiving it, and if you don't mind I will include £1.99 worth of Pick n Mix in the Mug (the one with the photo of the bank staff waving - or not if its Monday) as a thank you to you.

Kindest regards


  • edited June 2011

    NanaDog!! My old housemate!!

    where have you been???

    good to see you!! Would you like to join The Sky HitSquad, and play for us in the DTD on monday??

    The Hitman

  • edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: How to deal with spam....:
    LOL!! NanaDog!! My old housemate!! where have you been??? good to see you!! Would you like to join The Sky HitSquad, and play for us in the DTD on monday?? The Hitman x
    Posted by HITMAN_RV


    It is good to see you posting again Julie - welcome back!
  • edited June 2011
    lol....i was up VERY early!!!

    Hi Hitman, thanks for the invite but I think Monday is my kids last school summer fair before big school so I won't be around until though and kick botty!!! lol

    Elsadoggy me old mukka! had a 3 week break...well I did sneek a few games in lol, will come say hi when I spot u on a table (you still playin on here yeah?) If not I'll come and throw a sheep at you on facebook...normally get's peoples attention! haha
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