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I'm playing the primo, been 45ish minutes, i've got average stack, (2,600) i raise 3x UTG with JJ with the blinds at 25 50, folds round to the BB where Scotty77 shoves 1,200. if i lose i'm stranded and if i win i'm sitting pretty for the break, should i be calling? As we all know he is a regular and a very good player who wouldnt do this as a bluff.
any help would be wicked.
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I dont know much about scottys range, but Im calling
withut being results orrientated should i always call?
Infact of all the big name tourny players theres only two i fold jacks to that i can think of off the top of my head. One is a nit the other just runs like god. Therefore imo its a call 90% of the time v most opponents.