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life time Ban's

edited June 2011 in The Shed
 Fed up with hearing " They have a difficult job to do." What!  dishing out life time bans ...... and for what purpose.?  

 Has this measure stopped players from posting remarks that get this punishment. !  No    so why do it,  would it not be better to give timed bans and let players return.  I'm beginning to think personalities enter into the equation and there is no level playing field for all in Sky punishment.  Community Players have no say and the players that are supposed to represent us refer the decision back to Sky. OK remove the offending Post and warn the player but don't life ban or refer them to a post they made three years ago. I'm very angry with this latest ban on Neildown and tho no amount of protesting will change anything I want Sky Management to re-think the way they administer punishment on rule breakers.   


  • edited June 2011
    HI logdon sorry to tell you this paige has left sky poker, it was her chose.
  • edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: life time Ban's:
    HI logdon sorry to tell you this paige has left sky poker, it was her choice.
    Posted by hunter1967
    Nooooooooo now i'm upset again.
  • edited June 2011
     "Judge annie" Yep, was told, Quote, "Its not all about you."?  "Well hole in sock"  My life is all about me and if sky are going to ban me then its for sure all about me and if you are being banned it would be all about you. So if its all about me then I would like to know at what point will sky lifetime ban me. What do I have to say or do to warrant this fate. "Oh yes", see Sky Rules Mmmmmm  "Nothing about severity of punishment there".!  

    Right must be if you challenge Sky and say they are Wrong. Ok here goes anyone wish to join in. 
     "Sky your Poker RNG is Rubbish get a new one." ? ............. bye everyone ?   
  • edited June 2011
    In Response to Re: life time Ban's:
    Bans in whatever shape or form have to be there and i can see it from skys point of veiw that they have to protect players for both moral reasons and legal (@rse protecting reasons). And there do seem to be a few on here who like to start threads that are plainly there to get other players to get themselves into trouble. But i do feel that players getting life or lenghty bans for first offences is ridiculous.the skymods need to realise that if your doing that job your gonna get a few  good natured wind ups.
    Posted by BADBOY985
    This is pretty much spot on. As mentioned elsewhere, I'm afraid we can't discuss individual cases but all suspensions and bans are considered by the Sky Poker management as fully as all the details available allow and are not given out lightly.

    I am closing the thread as there is little point in debating this - the guidelines are there and all users are asked to follow them.

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