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Hand History #387215068 (16:55 30/06/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancemeadow666Small blind 200.00200.007712.50SheWoreBig blind 400.00600.0012158.48 Your hole cardsQQ TalwrnCall 400.001000.0011297.50DamanFold the_hackerFold nufc2011Call 400.001400.0014380.00meadow666Fold SheWoreRaise 400.001800.0011758.48TalwrnCall 400.002200.0010897.50nufc2011Call 400.002600.0013980.00Flop JQ10 SheWoreCheck TalwrnAll-in 10897.5013497.500.00nufc2011Fold SheWoreCall 10897.5024395.00860.98SheWoreShowQQ TalwrnShow95 Turn K River 7 TalwrnWinFlush to the King24395.00 24395.00mtt reasonable stack size and i had just moved to a new table
blinds were quite big so didn't want to raise pre-flop too highly?
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With that flop you have to bet out as it is very draw heavy then call shove.
cheers lads
raise bigger pre, 2000 seems fine, but I think you can make it a little smaller if you like given what I can see of effective stacks
bet flop and fistpump snapcall a shove