Not sure if it's correct but I'd do exactly the same...only 2 pair or a draw shoves your flop raise normally, think bitesaund would iso himself if he had the made straight, and you have potential redraws to nut 2p and the flush. I'm definitly getting it in and expecting to have to dodge all sorts.
With that being said I recall seeing a hand on mastercash a few weeks ago with a ridic wet flop like this, think it was something like Redmond with pKK or AA, another higher stakes reg with a big pair, and (I think) rupert elder opened the flop betting big and the others folded so maybe there is something to folding here. Then again rupert had air so maybe not
Not sure if it's correct but I'd do exactly the same...only 2 pair or a draw shoves your flop raise normally, think bitesaund would iso himself if he had the made straight, and you have potential redraws to nut 2p and the flush. I'm definitly getting it in and expecting to have to dodge all sorts. With that being said I recall seeing a hand on mastercash a few weeks ago with a ridic wet flop like this, think it was something like Redmon with pKK or AA, another higher stakes reg with a big pair, and (I think) rupert elder opened the flop betting big and the others folded so maybe there is something to folding here. Then again rupert had air so maybe not Posted by DannyMcs
Getting boozy now so mightn't give this justice.
But yeah, that's exactly the hand I was thinking about when the decision came. It was genuinely a very tough call (raise, call was never happening).
I'm hardly as tight as Brownndog though, lolololol.
3bet bigger pre, especially as you are deep against BB
Reads are really important here. Dont really care about the shorty, but BBs flat is strange. I think you probably have to get it in readless at 20NL but I'm not sure firing in 200BB on this board will be profitable against good players
I thought you played it just fine, but im sure you were worried with the other callers. They shouldn't have any regrets about losing either, because thats what happens most of the time when calling 6xBB with 67os or K9suited, especially after a raise and a re raise.
With that being said I recall seeing a hand on mastercash a few weeks ago with a ridic wet flop like this, think it was something like Redmond with pKK or AA, another higher stakes reg with a big pair, and (I think) rupert elder opened the flop betting big and the others folded so maybe there is something to folding here. Then again rupert had air so maybe not
I think maybe I should have and just got lucky. But think I was maybe right to isolate too. Really not sure about this one.
Already in BB&V forum so no need to suggest.
But yeah, that's exactly the hand I was thinking about when the decision came. It was genuinely a very tough call (raise, call was never happening).
I'm hardly as tight as Brownndog though, lolololol.
Reads are really important here. Dont really care about the shorty, but BBs flat is strange. I think you probably have to get it in readless at 20NL but I'm not sure firing in 200BB on this board will be profitable against good players
You have to either shove fold and for me it's a fold clearly some players are capable of playing anything for massive stacks lol.
Once again THIS is the standard at NL30............
WP sir. Keep this up you'll be beating Redmond Lee HU in no time.
I call and cross my fingers, absoloutley enormous pot in the end for 15 30, WD NH