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The Shed is dead (RIP Neil Down)

edited July 2011 in The Shed
This is my last post on The Shed.

It used to be funny, it used to be worth reading.

In truth I'd swerved it for a while because it had gotten somewhat sterile. But occasionally glanced and read Neil's "The Shed is dead" thread.

I replied, abusing him as usual, because I knew he'd appreciate that type of humour.

And then started a couple of threads to try and revive it. My "novel" one ended up getting Neil banned. On a football forum I simultaneously started an identical thread and it's running to 6 pages minimum and is a very funny read. Somehow it failed here.

I started a "controversial opinions" one which I thought would lead to some amusing opinions. Neil contributed a very funny one. But it (the thread, not Neil's post) just ran totally the the opposite way to the funnies I thought it would generate.

Someone, somewhere, I'm sure, stated I'd started those to try and get people in trouble. Nothing could be further from the truth. Neil was a very funny guy and, although I'd never sat at a table with him, had seen him on a few rails being nothing but totally courteous.

I think his banning is horrendous, especially a life-time one (yellow cards Sky?). I've met some utter horrors in the chat-box at times and, not that they even bothered me, Neil wasn't even close to being one of them. He was the opposite in the chat-box. A gent. His humour was somewhat risque at times on the forum but hey-ho. A wee warning would surely have sufficed?

But it's not my forum. I'll flipping live by Sky's rules and even understand them due to the nature of their company. And abide by them. Still love the community here. Just think our Tsars could be a tad less Stalinistic at times.


  • edited July 2011

     your post is spot on but this being your last post is not.!  re-think me thinks.?

  • edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: The Shed is dead (RIP Neil Down):
     your post is spot on but this being your last post is not.!  re-think me thinks.?
    Posted by logdon

    Thanks, and never say never logdon.

    But I think we have to face facts. I still love this forum and all it's facets but if I want to get a bit controversial then I'm going to leave it to my Hibs forum. This is what it is.
  • edited July 2011

    Great post bandini. I echo all your thoughts mate.

    Thank god tho its your last post! :))))
  • edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: The Shed is dead (RIP Neil Down):
    Great post bandini. I echo all your thoughts mate. Thank god tho its your last post! :))))
    Posted by MAXALLY
    You can @#@# &%4 though!!!!

  • edited July 2011
    Bandini you are right to be annoyed at the way your post threads ended. As a trailblazer and willing to push the boundary's by posting controversial material you are always going to attract the attention of the Mods.  Neildown and Bennydip were always one step away from being banned and it was only a matter of time. If you look back at all the players banned or who left because they felt mistreated by Sky,  then you will find they were the trail blazers like you. Nothing ventured nothing gained nothing lost. The forum is dead because the trail blazers have gone and the new one's to frightened to post. I walk the line every day with the Mods checking my every post and waiting for my slightest slip up. "They" monitor my PMs so I'm reluctant to send or receive them. What a sad sorry state policing of this Community has descended into. You are right to be bitter but the only way to change things is to stay posting making comment like this in the hope they will change and see sense.     If nothing changes it stays the same and we will all end up with     "Nice Weather today"  "Took the dog for a walk."   sad isn't it.?   Hugs Annie x
  • edited July 2011
    + 1   to you all !!

    NeilDown & Emilyegg ARE STILL members of Team HitSquad and will never be Forgotten!!

    I Did not see thread or comments that got either of them banned, or know the reasons, which is frustrating!

    What I do Know, is that i found them entertaining & humourous, fine, they did walk the line, but I never witnessed anything of real offence or problematic, that I had not posted the ilk of myself!!

    My concern is maybe earlier 'character clashes', may have come back & bitten them!!

    There but for the grace of God.........................

    ps!! nice weather today!!
  • edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: The Shed is dead (RIP Neil Down):
    Bandini you are right to be annoyed at the way your post threads ended. As a trailblazer and willing to push the boundary's by posting controversial material you are always going to attract the attention of the Mods.  Neildown and Bennydip were always one step away from being banned and it was only a matter of time. If you look back at all the players banned or who left because they felt mistreated by Sky,  then you will find they were the trail blazers like you. Nothing ventured nothing gained nothing lost. The forum is dead because the trail blazers have gone and the new one's to frightened to post. I walk the line every day with the Mods checking my every post and waiting for my slightest slip up. "They" monitor my PMs so I'm reluctant to send or receive them. What a sad sorry state policing of this Community has descended into. You are right to be bitter but the only way to change things is to stay posting making comment like this in the hope they will change and see sense.     If nothing changes it stays the same and we will all end up with     "Nice Weather today"  "Took the dog for a walk."   sad isn't it.?   Hugs Annie x
    Posted by logdon
    Hi Annie.

    I'm not annoyed, not at all. "Meh" is the only word I can think of to convey my feelings.

    Neither do I see myself as a trailblazer and I certainly don't want to court controversy. Not my style at all.

    Neither was my OP intended to have a go at anyone responsible for the moderation of the site. Their's is a thankless task.

    I merely intended to put up a few words in support of Neil, who I think was treated quite harshly, because it was a thread I started that resulted in him being banned. He was a good guy and was guilty of no more than trying to have a bit of a laugh. He wasn't aggro in the slightest as far as I'm aware.

    But it's only an internet forum at the end of the day. If i want controversy I only need to listen to my mates and, trust me, they wouldn't last micro seconds on here :-)

    Really don't want to make a big deal of this. I can't really see any point.

    Hugs and kisses right back at ya though sweetheart xx
  • edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: The Shed is dead (RIP Neil Down):
    What you talkin' 'bout Willis ? You s'pposed to be a poet man.
    Yo gettin' negative man lighten up.
  • edited July 2011
    WHO said the SHED is DEAD ?     See today's Sun Newspaper.      They are Queuing up to play in Zeppelins shed. !
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