Hi guys,
First time post after my early form seems to have gone on holiday and decided not to return.
I tried to scare this guy off with a decent sized bet after the turn, I realise I should have folded when he went all in but woud anyone else have played it differently? I ended up crashing out of the tourny when I really didn't have to

Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance
pdavo100 Small blind 200.00 200.00 6445.00
bighead226 Big blind 400.00 600.00 21592.00
Your hole cards
ALISFUBAR Call 400.00 1000.00 17854.00
Foo_Folder Call 400.00 1400.00 10495.00
harpomarks Fold
pdavo100 Fold
bighead226 Check
bighead226 Check
Foo_Folder Bet 800.00 2200.00 9695.00
bighead226 Fold
ALISFUBAR Call 800.00 3000.00 17054.00
Foo_Folder Bet 800.00 3800.00 8895.00
ALISFUBAR Call 800.00 4600.00 16254.00
Foo_Folder Bet 2000.00 6600.00 6895.00
ALISFUBAR All-in 16254.00 22854.00 0.00
Foo_Folder All-in 6895.00 29749.00 0.00
ALISFUBAR Unmatched bet 7359.00 22390.00 7359.00
Foo_Folder Show
ALISFUBAR Win Straight to the Ace 22390.00 29749.00
You dont want to scare him off on the turn - he has 3 outs - river is a tough spot - can't blame the call tho I certainly cant put him on A/Q or any Jack that beats us the way the hand played. Q/9 or some kinda house like J/2 or 2/2 are possibles but I think I go out here too
Firstly preflop. You have a weak hand in mid position and you choose to limp into the pot. This is truly awful, what you should be doing is either raising or folding and in this case i would favour folding.The only purpose for limping here is to hope to get lucky and that is just not the right play ever.
On the flop you hit a weak top pair and lead out. This is the only part of the hand that i think you played well. When you get the call you have to start to try to range his hand but it seems to me that you are blinded by the board and your own cards.
On the turn you can be pretty certain you are ahead losing only to a very few hands.You then said you put in a decent sized bet, but what you did was put in a weak bet giving your opponent nearly 5 to 1 to call. The strength of a bet is in relation to the pot and not the actual chip value. So 800 on the flop into 1400 was strong but 800 on the turn into 3000 was weak.This means rather than scaring him off you actually encouraged him to call.
On the river a card comes in that completes draw and doesnt help you in anyway except to improve your kicker. So now you have to consider what your opponent was calling with. If he had a set then you are behind, a weaker jack and he has caught up or the straight draw he has overtaken you. The purpose of a bet on this river is to get a weaker hand to call and pay you off. I really cant see what hand that you are beating except maybe KT that could posiibly call whilst behind. For this reason i think the check behind on the river is the best move because you have showdown value.
So all told on the 4 streets available i think you could have played it better on 3 of them. But mainly the lesson here is not to limp in preflop with marginal to weak hands hoping to get lucky because it costs a lot more than it gains.
2. unless you have a read that people are limping with strong hands like AQ
So the reason I decided to play I guess was lack of patience, i'd leaked about 3k in blinds leading up to this moment with bad cards after bad cards, decided to limp in to try and get lucky and thought I had. So i'm guessing I needed to be more patient and wait for my hole cards to come good?