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News of the World - The lies, scandal and Job Losses

edited July 2011 in The Shed
Its unbelievable what large corporations do to save face. I feel sorry for those who have lost their jobs and had nothing to do with phone tapping.

Let us not forget the disgusting things that the NOTW under the watch of coulson and brooks have done. They should both be brought to account.

To think brooks had the cheek to try and reason with hard working people who had just lost their jobs. Im not surprised they threw her sentiments back in her face.

That is all....... 


  • edited July 2011
    It`s amazing when coulson worked for the prime minister he was deemed innocent, now he has left that post he is suddenly guilty again. Now Cameron is condemning it all publicly, It`s all been a big cover up and white wash as per usual. Up The Revolution Power To The People.
  • edited July 2011
    Companies and government agencies have from the dawn of communication, and til the end of time will continue to hack or spy on people to glean information. The police in this have a lot to answer for, they have sat on this information for 5 years and now they are drip drip drip feeding the media more information now it suits them. Without a doubt its a terrible thing to do, listening into victims calls for a 'scoop' but no one seemed to be bothered when it was the politicians and 'stars' that were complaining, maybe everyone thought 'who cares' My take on this is, yes its bad that people have had their private conversations listened into and yes it was deplorable that a murder investigation was hindered by this, but in the scheme of things, crime out of control, economy struggling etc etc, there are better things for 55 police officers who are working full time on this can be doing. To 99.9999999% of the population this has no direct interest and is just a sideshow instigated by political rivals. In a couple of weeks they will be onto the next big scandal and it will all start over again, why they cant put more effort into running the country instead on arguing is beyond me - and yes its the poor sods working there now i feel sorry for, imagine if in your place of work they laid you all off for something someone did before you arrived and the company was very successful.
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