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Top set at turn, played deceptive through streets, any argument at all to raise river?
£1/2 cash live. 3 way action (end of session. Playing against two solid intelligent players. Button folds, SB makes it £8, I find AA in BB. Of the three am the tightest, so flat, mainly as SB bets super light very often here, definately folding to raise out of BB.
£15 in pot K72. SB checks. SB sniffs weakness he will bet out, but will fold to a bet from me, so I check behind.
£15 in pot K72 A (bringing two spades to board). SB checks. Essentialy have nuts, only hope at value is to hope opponent leads river so check back, not my usual line though.
£15 in pot K72 A 9, river bringing 3 spades to board.
SB leads pot.
Having decided to play this hand deceptive and keeping it small, feeling bluff catch is only avenue to value how do we feel about raising river after letting two freecards come off?
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You've played the hand weak throughout so betting out on the river would get you alot of calls from weaker hands.
I'd be weary that he raised 4X pre and hasn't had a single stab at it on the flop or turn, AND he should be wondering why you called 4X pre and have checked it down.
Only argument being that we are sat 3 handed so he is likely raising fairly wide, but good point in regard to checking two streets.
I often freeze on this kind of turn, its a known fault, again your correct i should definately bet half pot at turn hoping he has a solid spade.
Opponent auto mucks if I bet mostly, my image is strong in this game, so in hand only way I perceived value was opponent stabbing. But your right I should have bet turn.
But going back to the point, any argument for raising river after hand has played this way?
But your likely right as I felt like I'd missed a bet here.
Fringe issue was that I was taking alot of money off both of them and was afraid If I raised river, he may call and be so peed off he'd leave and would be end of game.
But I dont really want to get raised on river and I dnt think I get called with 1 pr hands given image.....I think
I definitely bet turn
River sucks as I dont think he can have 2 pair or a set much so call is prob good