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Whats your best poker moment?

edited June 2009 in Poker Chat

Since im new to poker mine will not seem very exciting but, made me run around the room none the less :P

I won a small MTT with just over 100 runners, it was a speed tourny £1.20 buyin and a top prize of a staggering £28 lol.

I swear when i won it i felt like i had won thousands, hands in the air and allsorts :P

So as the title say's, Whats your best poker moment?


  • edited June 2009
  • edited June 2009
    not sure about best but interesting more like,,,,   won a 3k pot with 4 2 suited in 2.50 5.00 quid cash.....player to my left raises under gun 40 quid....4 callers ......they all have playable hands ...probs ak , aq,  mid prs high prs  {likely}...nice hand to come in with low cards......flop comes 4 4 10....initail raiser bets bout 130....everyone else calls ...I push all in...everyone calls....turn card is now a stupid f********  bas****ard....acording to all......a lucky idiot.....well   I beg to not married to hand after flop....I do have a fold button.....anyway...was fun for me
  • edited June 2009
    this isnt my best moment but reckon wil take sum doin. started wiv winning the midnight 12.00clock 4oogtd  comp, then on2 weds won the open, and also the 9.15 400 gtd speed and 4th in the 12.00 400gtd that winning 3/4 and 4th in the other 1, 
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