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TP Facing reraise on the turn
Thoughts please. No reads 1st hand v player, just sat down.
Hand History #391236396 (17:07 12/07/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancenicknat118Small blind £0.15£0.15£30.03shawsokBig blind £0.30£0.45£32.03 Your hole cardsAQ yuranASSetRaise £0.90£1.35£29.10alumchineFold bignutz39Call £0.90£2.25£6.06maui73Fold nicknat118Call £0.75£3.00£29.28shawsokFold Flop Q35 nicknat118Check yuranASSetBet £2.25£5.25£26.85bignutz39Fold nicknat118Call £2.25£7.50£27.03Turn 6 nicknat118Check yuranASSetBet £5.63£13.13£21.22nicknat118Raise £11.26£24.39£15.77
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set/2 pair i think he re-raises on flop, some are bad enough to go broke with worse here KQ
also by shoving you will have a better idea in future vs this opponent