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Is this a bad call or would only a major nit fold here? NL4 very loose table...
gibbzySmall blind £0.02£0.02£7.63shirley02Big blind £0.04£0.06£7.10 Your hole cardsA5 tapewormFold xCarolinexRaise £0.12£0.18£3.70duxrsCall £0.12£0.30£2.71gibbzyCall £0.10£0.40£7.53shirley02Call £0.08£0.48£7.02Flop 23A gibbzyCheck shirley02Check xCarolinexCheck duxrsBet £0.24£0.72£2.47gibbzyFold shirley02Call £0.24£0.96£6.78xCarolinexCall £0.24£1.20£3.46Turn 9 shirley02Check xCarolinexCheck duxrsBet £0.60£1.80£1.87shirley02Raise £1.20£3.00£5.58xCarolinexCall £1.20£4.20£2.26duxrsAll-in £1.87£6.07£0.00shirley02Raise £2.54£8.61£3.04xCarolinexAll-in £2.26£10.87£0.00shirley02Unmatched bet £0.28£10.59£3.32shirley02Show45 xCarolinexShowA5 duxrsShow3A River 7 xCarolinexWinFlush to the Ace£9.79 £9.79
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Shirley played the flop slow which lets you get to the position you are in. if we want to play, The turn for me is a shove not a call. although i really think you read the table wrong as neither of the players in the hand had bet out with nothing the whole time I was there that i saw. i would asssume im behind here and drawing. you cant fold after you call - e z moniez
Turn check is fine try and get free card, after 60p bet and minraise I'm snap folding.
You effectivly call off 56.5 BB's here on a draw, at this point you're 17% to win so need crazy odds to call which you don't get. All you have is TP which is dead after turn action, two pair draw and a gutshot.
TBH I'm quite surprised at this as you play like 8+ tables at NL4 usually and should be playing tight.
I dont think theres really anything wrong here apart from check on the flop.
raising pre flop in the cut off with a suited ace to an unraised board in my opinion is fine, you hit the a dynamite flop and dont bet, id be betting around 2/3rds of the pot. If nothing else you at least narrow your oponents range down.
As soon as you see the turn cards a club theres no way your folding with the nut flush draw.
Ive played against you before and know from personal experience your a super nit anyway, so if your making the call its probably not a loose one.
I prob fold pre at this level
I dont see any reason to bet the flop, I think I prob c/f. I also dont think this is a good flop for our hand, despite flopping top pair +gutshot