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This really made my head hurt. Why dont you put him on 66? He seems to be repping strength or am I missing something through tiredness here?
2pr I reckon he's folding to anything other than a min-raise.
22 He'll call just about anything.
Straight too wierd to contemplate. If he's just decided to 3 barrel bluff your apparent draw, he'll fold to any raise.
Way too difficult to call this one even with your reads.
Hope he had the inferior house and you stacked him.
Alot of funky hands throughout evening. Get dwn to 3 handed play, last 2 or so orbits.
Stupid reason I know, but 4's have been jumping out of deck, I limp with 4cJc on button 3 handed, standard 3way raise has become £2.50 so am getting to see a super cheap flop regardless, unless someone has something special. I'm sat with £340, both opponents have me covered. After limpage and raise calls:
pot stands @£ 7.50 3 way, 446 flop, I'm on the button. Pretty solid TAG checks SB, super spewy guy opens for pot. I am the tightest of the three, so raising here is very bad, so I flat SB calls.
£22.5 at turn 446 2 The board is slightly more co ordinated than I'd like, am slightly worried about calling off 2 more bets vs a straight, but essentialy it wont matter untill the river. Opponent bets pot again, I call quick, trying to look like I'm drawing.
£67.5 @ turn 446 2 J. Again opponent opens for a near pot bet, £50 ish. I think super slow here. I dont think he'll call all in, but he may have a better 4, that just got beat or a straight that has been beat in a way he wont see vs my supposed range.
I know pre flop is bad, but remembering, last 6 or so hands, all sat deep 3 handed, worth getting in there.
So £67 in pot, we have effective nuts vs spewbox, image being mostly solid (however making some solid hero calls and showing bluffs throughout evening), opponent betting a solid £50, we have £50 plus £280 - £290 back being covered, opponent will massively likey fold to a jam:
What size are we looking to get called on river IP?
(not a brag post, was truly flummaxed as knew he'd fold to a jam vs me, but once he bets £50, he surely calls a healthy slice of his stack with 7's and better, a weak 6 (spewbox) or some bizarre straight. Remember, not a great player, just some guy who struggles to release).
For what its worth he had 6 10 and still called my raise.
I tanked for ages to construct it, just curious as to what you guys figured a good size is.
As said, pure unthinking spewbox donk, thanks for allowing me to clarify tho Prop
I'm not sure you cant raise this flop from what you say about villain, he's never folding 77-TT and prob not folding a 6 or 35. I know you have a tight image but spewy guys love to call and love to think people are always bluffing on paired boards. I see reasons to flat also, but I certainly would consider raising
Turn flatting prob best
On river I doubt he folds any 4x, straight or boat to a shove, but from description given he prob doesnt play those hands so fast, and he will shove over a raise anyway. I prob make it £135 and obv call it off
On second part I have to disagree, but generally speaking again your right. This is another guy I've seen at the table alot, knowing his game and spew tendancies pretty well. Based on all the info at hand there was no danger here, Not playing the hand blind online, [laying it with solid reads and knowledge of opponent.
If you look back to OP I said opponent was going to be very weak here, the only tricky part of hand being river bet sizing. We can talk about raising flop turn here, which would be ok, but I firmly feel it shuts down action on later streets on this occassion.
I'm pretty sure oponent calls a raise on flop, but then will c/f turn or river. Am more than happy to let him keep firing, obviously if he doesnt at turn I bet somewhere in region of two thirds pot.
I dont VB £150 stoneface? Seems to me like I did on river when he opens 3rd street for pot size bet. We are simply betting for value against a spewbox that finds it hard to release a very weak hand, being inclined to call if feels priced in. We arent talking about a solid thinking player.
If I felt opponent had any type of hand that could redraw or take any real heat I obviously inflate pot early, but here truly feel like playing possum on button is best way forward. Again, it was river bet sizing that was tricky.
Important to remeber opponent is super weak here.