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Saturday night live with Sarah Champion and Carlo Citrone ****official show thread****
Sorry for the delay Spornybol ;-)
We've just been sat discussing what we would all do with 161 million... Carlo's ideas are not fit for broadcast...
So saturday night means Mastercash! starting at 5p/10p going up through the levels with the 5 biggest cash hands of the week on Top of the Pots.
Its all about the money, so come on then what would you do with 161 million? and how would you celebrate the win? best answer gets free entry into a TSP Classic of your choice. See you live from 9
Sarah xx
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yeah as if i would sink so low xxx
£161 million? I'd buy two suits like Carlo's and a bag of Tudors with the change.
I'd give everyone in the UK a £1 and have £100m left!
I suppose with 161 Mill, you could buy pretty much what you wanted, you would probably be able to live off of the interest alone, I would like to give some to a few charities, some to my son, and daughter, have a holiday, buy a run around and learn to drive.
To be honest, I would just like to win enough to buy a new TV about £300, a new sofa, and a new bed, I would be more than happy with that
Sorry, I wont be watching the show, just cannot get into cash
If i won I would buy a sun kissed island and put a shed on it. Then if the wife throw a wobbly, I would got to down to me shed.
Doesn't Carlo do this every year! I mean the blow-out bit (not the homeless bit obvs!)
What I would do is quite simple, I would quit work immediatly, party everyday, holiday about 10 times a year for 4 weeks at a time, buy every car available and race them on my own personal track, surround myself with gorgeous women, buy a small island lets say America and throw money around on the poker table like I didnt know how to play.........that last one just goes to show the money wouldnt change me too much
if i won 161 million
i would give you both 50 million each as a bribe to win the free entry and all the kudos that comes with it
then move to alaska with the rest for some peace and poker in a nice log cabin
£161 million!
1. Sponsor Trev in a Presenters Classic rebuy Tournament! - The money wouldn't last the Evening
2. Pay Sky to give Orford the night off to attend Cardiff. couldn't afford his taxi bill though
3. Incontinence pads and a bucket for Tikay - In response to his Wee wee video not interviewing technique
4. A photo of Annas legs and a private Gym to practise one handed press ups for Carlo
5. A man purse for his Poker winnings and a complete set of Brittas Empire DVDs for James - Is it just me? his voice, unwavering enthusiam and love of gadgets he'd make a perfect stand in for Gordon Brittas
6. A camera and better subject material than young birds and old presenters for Anna
7. Cough mixture what else for Sarah
And for me plane tickets! After these comments i'll have to leave the country! LOL
so many odd ball hands just for a head, I think people take it into the standard tournies