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Help with KK played v badly
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceiluvlifeSmall blind £0.05£0.05£1.59applaudmeBig blind £0.10£0.15£7.67cBig blind £0.10£0.25£9.90 Your hole cardsKK JDQuadFold cCheck WHISKEYJAKRaise £0.40£0.65£9.76iluvlifeFold applaudmeFold cCall £0.30£0.95£9.60Flop 956 cBet £0.50£1.45£9.10WHISKEYJAKCall £0.50£1.95£9.26Turn 6 cCheck WHISKEYJAKCheck River 7 cBet £1.60£3.55£7.50WHISKEYJAKCall £1.60£5.15£7.66cShowJ2 WHISKEYJAKMuckKK cWinFlush to the Jack£4.76 £12.
Ok so I know I should have folded the river (I knew I was beat at the time but find it very hard to fold on these occasions when I know I originally had the best hand and lose way too much money here) and I think I know I should have bet the turn. But should I have raised the flop?
I have just finished reading Harrington on Cash Games and he bangs on about pot control and how any pair on the flop is still a small hand, and to try and keep the pot small by checking and calling (think this also influenced my turn check). But before reading this I think I would have raised flop (£1.50??), stopped his flush draw and won the hand. Also, is his bet on the flop what would be classed as a blocking bet?
Please be as harsh as possible cheers.
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Flop i bet more half pot giving him odds to call his draws- I prob bet />3/4 of pot
Turn - i prob bet out decent sive again - mayb think of folding to a raise
River - if played as above i dont think you would ave got there!
As played your hand is so under repped i dont think i can fold! But if villian is calling with J 2 suited I follow them around the tables! just make sure you take some notes
River is probably a fold for me.
If he calls, I need to find out where I am with another considerable bet. At least then I have options. If he raises I would fold, calls then leads out I fold.
The way you played the turn here gave him lots of options, even if he only had the paired 9 he can lead out.
as played is a crying call really but would have played out completely different had you bet properly 2 streets, they probably dont go away but will give you more of an idea and its possible to fold when flush hits
For future reference does anyone know why the half the balances on the diagram are missing?