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It amazes me that this and all the sites can get away with the DODGY software. In the cash games it will usually allow the low stack to win so he stays in and creates more rake for the site.
But what has p*****d me off is that constantly over the years i have seen time and time again in all games the software runs at a consistant speed and then when it gets near to the pay out the software starts to slow and search for cards to miraculously change things, ok sometimes this is for you but more often than not its against you. ITS just TOO suspicious and not normal.
But people will say why would it do this, well its not difficult to work out lol.
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dirty man :P
Can't say in all of my time on the cash tables here that it favours the low stacks.
Lol grow up.
p.s You think the sofware is dodgy but yet your still playing on the site? lolololollol
there we go again, the blind followers...
everything is possible. the software could be wrong, many ppl have noticed before that sometimes it can take 5 seconds for the river card to come.. and normally it goes the way of the person who was losing big time...
you say the all the hands are pre loaded, they know / the rng knows what cards are coming next..
can we see a hand history of the hands where there is only a flop and see what 2 cards are going to follow..
this aswell as the hands that are played in full will show if u should chase like an idiot for that one card..
it must be able to be seen as the hands are already chosen(you state) by the rng..
so random is not random, if it has already chosen the cards...
but the guy said time will tell so i asked how much time is needed for proof of rigging as after ten years and billions of hands there is still no proof...
ps..the way sky's rng works is the flop,turn,and river are "dealt" at the beginning so the flop is always going to be xxx the turn x and river x no matter when you press call,bet fold etc.unlike most site where the cards are"plucked out of the air" when action ensues...
the point you are making about hands being shown is correct...there have been ex employees of a site that still had the ability to view hole cards
(a superuser) and eventually he got caught(too greedy).
but even if that was the case on a poker site the user would only be able to play a certain amount of hands.And while it is cheating it is not a rigged rng/fixed cards.
I can not see the guys in the tv studio watching hands for tv whilst also playing those hands and seeing hole cards then acting on them...can you?