I kinda get what you mean, I remember when the Ordfordable used to get great numbers and the banter was wicked with 10 people round one table but it just slowly began to die and now it's all about the DTD and 6 seater ones. I personlly would like to see them get back but doubt they will.
I personally find them quite boring in the tourney format, with 10 players to act each hand, it sometimes takes 10 minutes to do a lap, and there is a lot of twiddling of the thumbs if you get dealt rubbish and fold, at least with 6 seater the hands flow more quickly. The main reason for sky not encouraging them is something to do with the tv side that wont show 10 seaters i think, however i guess i would play them if they were available.
i personally prefer 6 max games but i know there are plenty of players who would like to see a 10 seater mtt and i think they would be quite popular, i'm all for it!
no guarantee=no value there's never enough runners to make them worth playing,i like 10 seaters too perhaps they could give double points on the cash 10 seaters to make them more popular
no guarantee=no value there's never enough runners to make them worth playing,i like 10 seaters too perhaps they could give double points on the cash 10 seaters to make them more popular Posted by stokefc
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I know the opposite is true too but a once a week guaranteed 10 seater wd get runners
perhaps they could give double points on the cash 10 seaters to make them more popular