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country & western

edited July 2011 in The Shed

All up when the best thing on T.V is "Channel off air" I penned a little Country & Western number


Well...I'll alway's love ol' Texas
where my ma and pa got fried...
Where the governor raped my daughter...
and ma dog old yeller died...
Well...I lost an eye to moonshine...
and a leg to gangerine...
but i won't leave ol' Texas
til' ma other leg goes green


  • edited July 2011
    In Response to country & western:
    All up when the best thing on T.V is "Channel off air" I penned a little Country & Western number           TEXAS Well...I'll alway's love ol' Texas where my ma and pa got fried... Where the governor raped my daughter... and ma dog old yeller died... Well...I lost an eye to moonshine... and a leg to gangerine... but i won't leave ol' Texas til' ma other leg goes green
    Posted by edge215

    LOL N1.......

    Are U from Preston?????
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