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Only on sky would you get such bad calls rewarded with monster flops :(Hand History #395710484 (19:00 25/07/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxSmall blind 25.0025.005975.00xxBig blind 50.0075.002920.00 Your hole cardsAA xxCall 50.00125.002920.00xxRaise 250.00375.002675.00adz777Raise 800.001175.002335.00xxCall 775.001950.005200.00xxFold xxCall 750.002700.002170.00xxCall 550.003250.002125.00Flop 935 xxCheck xxCheck xxAll-in 2125.005375.000.00adz777All-in 2335.007710.000.00xxFold xxAll-in 2170.009880.000.00adz777Unmatched bet 165.009715.00165.00xxShow33 xxShow99 adz777ShowAA Turn 6 River 10 xxWinThree 9s9625.00 9625.00xxWinThree 3s90.00 90.00
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90% of the players online just are'nt good enough to fold 99 or above..
Lol . Yep hardly ever see that
unfortunately i have seen it many times and fallen victim to it many times.. with my AA against KK and QQ the most memorable. being the QQ hit flush ... to knock both me and the KK out of BH