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Lets haggle!

edited July 2011 in The Shed
 Me, the wife, and the grandaughter were going to the seaside, Newcastle in N Ireland to be exact. On the way we passed through the lovely village of Dundrum, it was a Sunday and we noticed lots of cars. ''Must be church goers'' i said, in fact it turned out to be a car boot sale (music to the wifes ears, but my worst nightmare)
  We parked up and started to wander around the assortment of stalls, some amateurs, some professionals by the look of it. We came to a toy stall, all new items neatly laid out, no pricetags and obviously a professional vendor. The grandaughter picked up a barbie umbrella, a cheap looking 'toy' amongst all the other cheap tat on offer. ''can i have this nanny?'' The wife asks the stall holder how much and the reply came back ''£4'' Without a pause the wife then gave the lady a fiver, got her pound change and walked off! ''what was that about?'' i said, ''What was what about'' she said.
  I explained that when the lady said £4, the wife should have haggled, that the price was negotiable, that she would have got it for about £2 and that the lady was now probably thinking ''what a mug lol'' this didn't go down too well with the wife, she said ''well if you think your any better, you buy the next item''
 Some minutes later we passed what can only be described as an amateur stall, the guy had literally got his goods, all second hand and obviously his personal possessions, loads of old books etc and placed them on a fold away table.
  The grandaughter asked if i would get her a 50 piece jigsaw puzzle, ''is the puzzle complete?'' i asked the man ''i checked all the items this morning'' he said, ''im doing a clearout and everything is whole, in working order, and good condition'' he said. ''How much for the puzzle'' i asked, he scratched his chin, and after a pregnant pause said, ''call it 50p'' OK! i said and paid him the 50p, however as i was handing over the money i just knew the wife was waiting, watching, biding her time and eager to pounce! How right i was, she asked why i talked of her lack of haggling prowess, but in reality i was just the same! ''50p!...50 bloody p'' i said, ''how am i supposed to haggle down from 50p lol?
 Can anyone else tell any good stories about haggling experiences. This wouldnt be a loonytoons man v women thread without a poll, so here it is


  • edited July 2011
    I could tell you one, but it'll cost you at least £5.
  • edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Lets haggle!:
    I could tell you one, but it'll cost you at least £5.
    Posted by 67Bhoys
    I'll give you £2 for it:))
  • edited July 2011
     Women are more price comparison . com   send a man out to do the weekly shopping and it would cost twice as much.!

     Every day Bargains are what we are about.  not your occasional Haggle.!
  • edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Lets haggle!:
     Women are more price comparison . com   send a man out to do the weekly shopping and it would cost twice as much.!  Every day Bargains are what we are about.  not your occasional Haggle.!
    Posted by logdon
    That's because we have more discerning tastes, and all the beer we put in the trolley lol.
  • edited July 2011
    I Love a good haggle but im an amatuer compared to my youngest son. we were on holiday in majorca 4 years ago matthews was 8 and he wanted a watch we went to the local market and he saw one he liked the  stall holder a north african man wanted 20 euros (about £15 at the time). i got him down to 12 euros at which point matt chimed up im not paying that for it ill give you 8 the guy said 10 was his best offer. at which point matt walked away and said ill leave it. we went on our way and i thought nothing of it. as we were heading back to our appartment we passed the guy packing up his stall. matt went up "still got that watch" the guy said yes and you can have it for 8 "call it 7 and weve got a deal" and he got it!
  • edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Lets haggle!:
    I Love a good haggle but im an amatuer compared to my youngest son. we were on holiday in majorca 4 years ago matthews was 8 and he wanted a watch we went to the local market and he saw one he liked the  stall holder a north african man wanted 20 euros (about £15 at the time). i got him down to 12 euros at which point matt chimed up im not paying that for it ill give you 8 the guy said 10 was his best offer. at which point matt walked away and said ill leave it. we went on our way and i thought nothing of it. as we were heading back to our appartment we passed the guy packing up his stall. matt went up "still got that watch" the guy said yes and you can have it for 8 "call it 7 and weve got a deal" and he got it!
    Posted by BADBOY985
    The big question is - how long did it work before going busto lol.
  • edited July 2011
    When the Hotel said don't buy anything from the Beach sellers Hubby thought he knew best.  "How much for the sun glasses he said,"  this chap. 40 euros "What! you must be joking."  Ok 30 the seller said, " there only worth 20 said Hubby."    Ill meet you half way 25  Ok said hubby and handed over the cash.  The next day we saw the same glasses in the local shop for 10 euros.  Men don't you just love them.!
  • edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Lets haggle!:
    In Response to Re: Lets haggle! : I'll give you £2 for it:))
    Posted by Kiwini4u
    Couldn't possibly sell for less than £4.50
  • edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Lets haggle!:
    In Response to Re: Lets haggle! : The big question is - how long did it work before going busto lol.
    Posted by loonytoons
    the hands fell off on the plane home lol
  • edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Lets haggle!:
    In Response to Re: Lets haggle! : the hands fell off on the plane home lol
    Posted by BADBOY985
    Better then the wings, surely?
  • edited July 2011
    In Response to Re: Lets haggle!:
    In Response to Re: Lets haggle! : Better then the wings, surely?
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Yep, and stop calling me Shirley, boom boom!
  • edited July 2011
    Maxally and Loony coming out a pair of surely 's  xxxx
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