HitSquad Members so far ........ * indicates 'Colours' awarded, [Hitsquad Polo] colours awarded for SPT qualification, DTD points, or Bravery in the face of enemy!!
Dave*HITMAN_RV [Team Hitman] Rudi HitPup [First Team Mascot RIP] Ruby Hitpup2 [Current Team Mascot] Barry*monkey123 [Team CanGod] Matt*sic-swans [Team, 'in your face mother'] Carl* Mohican [Team Hair!] Paul* BARBIE59 [& Girlfriend Zoe*, Team Couple] Rob*EmilyEgg [ Team Exile ] John*Young Gun [ Team Protegee'] FatherTerry Vaigret [Team Chaplain] Colin*golden238 [Team Shrek] Wynne*wynne1938 [Team Wise Man] Pat*Uncle Pat [Team Uncle] Andrew sighKO [ Team Pyscho Jones] Rob*aussie09 [ Team Antipodean] cantplay20 [Team CanPlay ??] David* DAIBOOT [Team Boyo] Ashley*delaney09 [Team Irn Bru] Martyn* Splashies [Team Cobbler] Robin* harding10 [Team Blue Moon] Robert RAB* RAB642 [Teab RAB, ?????. but it drinks buckfast and tiger] Anna*Fowles !! [ Team Glama Anna ].....Yes, Honestly!! Dave*Wacko90 [Team Wacko?] Steve Bigbiker22 [Team Biker] Andy*Shipdchips [Team ? ] Ken* kennybad [ Team Villain] Mike*maggiesdad [Team Kidder] Dean 1nitro1 [Team Aslan] Lisa* lisar83 [Team Erica Roe] Vice Capo/Recruitment Secretary!! Patrick*123456789 [Team Numbers] Neil* donkeyplop [Team Donkey] Simon Lightwood [Team Potter] Ed* WWFCblue [Team Youngster] John Dunonriver Joe yuranASSet [Team BatShatMad!!] CallumiBLUFF [Team Bluffer] Sue* kidgirlgy [Team Vegas Chick!!] Greg* Greg_D Mr Mac Mr Mac [Team Casino Owner!!] Les Croupiers Cardiff!! whoareya Luke Mark* GRE8FLOP[Team Robin] Dave* MAXMAX123 [Team Sports Coupe ?] Dave*Quietman [Team Silence] John*JRY Emma* Llamas RossRosco15 [Team Jambo] John* Johnred888 [Team Lovechild?] Carl* luvBWFC [Team Trotter] Alan*BENDOG40 Richard* curlarge [Team Curly] Ricky ricky1970 Lynnn* dragonfli [Team Dragonfly] Ian* Macmonster [Team Monster] Alan* gixxerk4 [Team Orfords Biyatch] Roy* w4rlock Robert* Sherifoo07 [Team Fox ] Willy*3Barrels [Team Barrels] Dave* Dave448 William* liamboi11 [Team 'Wullie'] Kalie* Batkin88 Danny*Moon_River [Team PaintYaWagon??LOL] whadaya think 'Partner' lol Ross RossMc [Team Roller] Simon*Slykllist[Team Cyclist ] Vice Capo MilesSubSoNiic [Team BooooM] Chris Gelder[Team Iron Mike??] Ben Bensbird11 [Team Thai ] Pati* mrs_balti [ Team Ruby or Team BatGirl??] Damian fudgee777 Cristos* Sikas Ryan goodylad21 Arron Swog Marc* rancid Lewis* NOBIGBETS Martin dalek x [Team Exterminator] Lee tewy [Team Squaddie ?] redmerle [Team Mute, LOL??] Andy Flintyoff [Team Shiner] Danny* Danny99 Leo Lesdennis [team Comedian?] Shane Shirley02 [Team Eagle?] Mark kingfishxx Leonard jlj17 Micky*smarr [Team...'The General'] OK? Neil neiller Andy*nemoisback Mitch MITCH22 Jamie SLAVERFiSH Dave* Oopnorth David hibs1212 Karen* Kazzzz Roddy GatlingGob Luke MagicMan29 boom6 Ben* Bearproof Kevin* Kohan Mark slackAA [Team Dexter] Darren dazzo302 [Team Great One] for trial period only!! lol Paul* Lambert180 Billy* gomliser11 Bill* Bill Murray [Team Gangster/actor] Jim jimbob1235 shirley Shirley Maclaine [Team Brighton hotelier] Bryan scwuffy54 Charlie hunt09 Shaun mondo1985 Dave Davelufc Lewis HYPETING Mick VespaPX [Team Mod] Richard step7 Lisa sxclady [Team Sexy Lady]......very!! Peter ivtomo16 Mark Boyrarr1 Andrew Baltimore Abby*GLDLADYLUC [Team Student] Mike* Woogie8688 Paul Typhoon [Team Hurricane] Teresa* betterha1f Elliott EllBaldwin Joe SkiItaly kevin spoony21 Steve profman15 [Team prof] Paul bignoise10 Nicky Tsaaaar [Team Russian] JAW24 Phil rusty762 Richard bailey69 Andy pokerghost Adam mould03 Steve Ice Tiger [Team kool Tiger] Pat day4eire76 Strawbs028 ballboy James dontellmum Andy lcfcfan Steve poshcole Mark play2win02 Andy bolesAA Dave raffles65 Nathan NATHAN_X The Cheer-Leaders from The St. Louis Rams USA!!!!! YES REALLLY!! Kevin KEVWJOHO33 Matt AJaX99 Bill wartic William wilheim Martin tintin Guy Elguy [Team Jacket] Richard MrRichPot Peter ebberdon thejudge10 Steve Fonzie14 Scott omm Alex Toddie 009 Steven lenkatie09 Turnaflush Roy TheUKSpoon Carl Hotwheals Mike bbMike Peter kimpet Andrew andrew1947 Tatjana 'tba' YES IT's TRUE!!!! Natasha tashan Ant Ant58 Ciaran Baccus00 Jamie limmy01 Stephen VALU3CL0WN Paul actionj4ck Mandy pussinboots Mark sumner0754 Rex johnfrum Hope I aint missed anyone, & make sure you all have posted your intro.s up !! more nick-names to follow, will be earn't in the arena & may be changed at will, please advise if ya got a good Team position u can fill !! [we still have Team Tart available, lol, might have that myself]
Good luck all !!
HitSquad DTD Team points Scored since start DTD League
All below Players have earnt their Colours [Squaddie Shirts], let me know if you have not got!!
Extra shirts available to buy at £20 each! FREE SQUADDIE COLOURS FOR ANY DTD POINTS SCORER!!!
New Year, New Table 2012, New Squaddies, 'Breakthru Year'!!
Once more unto the Baize , dear , Comrades once more; Or close the wall up with our HitSquad dead. In peace there's nothing so becomes a man As modest stillness and humility: But when the blast of Poker blows in our ears, Then imitate the action of the tiger; Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, Disguise Your Hand with hard-favour'd rage; Then lend the eye a terrible aspect; Let pry through the portage of the head Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it As fearfully as doth a galled Limp O'erhang and jutty his confounded base, Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean. Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide, Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit To his full height. On, on, you noblest HitSquad. Whose blood is fet from fathers that be Bluff-proof! Fathers that, like so many Alexanders, Have in these parts from morn till even fought And sheathed their Pocket Pairs for lack of argument: Dishonour not your mothers; now attest That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you. Be copy now to men of grosser blood, And teach them how to RAISE And you, good Squaddies, Whose limbs were, made on SkyPoker show us here The mettle of your pasture; let us swear That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not; For there is none of you so mean and base, That hath not noble lustre in your eyes. I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips, Straining upon the start. The game's afoot: Follow your spirit, and upon this Flop Cry 'God for Tikay, SkyPoker, and The HitSquad!'
This is where we can post up anything hot off the HitPress!!
Will start with part of the post that set the ball rollin as an intro, then will list members which I will update when necs...............................
"As there may be some sort of Cardiff SPT 2010 challenge thrown down by Machka, thought we better Start our own thread!!
This Elite 'HitSquad' started when Four of us went to our first ever SPT at LUTON just over a year ago[feb2010?], we were alll Rabbish then, but have focused on gettin better!!
Now we have heard there is another Hitsquad [Praz etc], we are detemined to knock them off their perch, along with Sky 'superstars' TKP!! lol , and even the Famous Team Sky LOL !!
Original Members HITMANRV, Monkey123, sicswans, marc2000, and 'adopted' at the Luton Bar, Mohican, have laid low for a year building our poker skills, we are now ready to unleash on the Poker world, startin with Cardiff SPT !!
First 'Sky' person we ever met was the ever polite Machka, at our Luton hotel, so this has gone round full circle. Now TKP has developed fully into The premier Sky 'team' lol so to speak!!
We Shall be CONDUCTING INTERVIEWS for other POSSIBLE TEAM MEMBERS over the next few weeks!!
There will be some intense tests & a suitabilty scrutiny will have to be carried out, so that insanity is proven etc!!
{Started by HITMAN_RV May 2011}
Champions Runners-up May '11 Team Knightplop Team HitSquad June '11 Team PokerTrev Team HitSquad July '11 Team 51Team PokerTrev Aug.'11 Team PokerTrevTeam 51 Sept.'11 Team 51Team HitSquad Oct. '11 Team HitSquad Team 51 Nov.'11 Team PokerTrevTeam Hitsquad Dec.'11 Team HitSquad Team PokerTrev Jan.'12 Team PokerTrev Team 51 Feb.'12 DYM LegEndsTeam Hitsquad March12 Team HitSquadTeam PokerTrev April '12 Team HitSquad Team PokerTrev May 12 PokerTitans Team Hitsquad June 12 Team HitSquad PokerTitans July 12 Team 51Team HitSquad Aug 12 Team HitSquad Team 51 Sept 12 Team 51 Team HitSquad Oct 12 Team HitSquad Team Diamond Nov 12 Team Diamond Team HitSquad Dec 12 Team HitSquad Team Diamond Jan 13 Team HitSquadTeam 51 Feb 13 Team HitSquad Team Diamond March13 Team HitSquad Poker Titans April 13 Team HitSquad Poker Titans May 13 HitSquad Jams Team Diamond June13 Team 51 HitSquad Jams July 13 HitSquad Jams Team 51 Aug.13 HitSquad JamsPoker Titans Sept 13HitSquad JamsHitSquad Donks Oct 13 Poker Titans HitSquad Donks Nov 13 HitSquad Donks HitSquad Jams Dec 13 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams Jan 14 HitSquad Jams HitSquad Donks Feb 14 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams March14 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams April 14 HitSquad Poker Titans May 14 HitSquad Poker Titans June 14 HitSquad Poker Titans July 14 Poker Titans HitSquad August14 HitSquad Poker Titans Sept 14 HitSquad Dragons Oct 14 HitSquad Outlaws Nov 14 HitSquad Poker Titans Dec 14 HitSquadDragons Jan 15 HitSquad Dragons
Well done Lisa, My facebook link is back a few pages Paul, will dig it out too!! ALSO NEW MEMBER ALERT ROSCO15 !! Was thinking of TEAM JAMBO!!!....But EmilyEgg is also that, lol currently under the name TEAM EXILE tho!! Am sure Rob Emily egg wont mind u using that team name to start.. What u think Ross!! Have frined requested u on Sky & I'll post up ma facebook link if i can or use lisa's so we can add u to FB Group!! Posted by HITMAN_RV
I've started playing Bounty Hunters a lot more but need some advice.........I've tried being more aggressive and getting a few bounties but never making the paid positions, and I've played less aggressive only getting 1 bounty but finishing in a paid position.................I can't seem to do both!!!!
ADVICE PLEASE!! I've started playing Bounty Hunters a lot more but need some advice.........I've tried being more aggressive and getting a few bounties but never making the paid positions, and I've played less aggressive only getting 1 bounty but finishing in a paid position.................I can't seem to do both!!!! Is it just a case of practice makes perfect?? Posted by lisar83
Hi Lisar83 I like playing the bounties. I liken it to carp fishing in a spawning pool. most players are ultra aggressive. dont worry too much about the early bounties are they are not going anywhere. main thing it to try and keep above ave chip stack. so as not to become fish food. Also take on more of the 50/50 calls
In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : Hi Lisar83 I like playing the bounties. I liken it to carp fishing in a spawning pool. most players are ultra aggressive. dont worry too much about the early bounties are they are not going anywhere. main thing it to try and keep above ave chip stack. so as not to become fish food. Also take on more of the 50/50 calls Posted by GR8TFL0P
+1 Mark!!
Also Lisa, others may disagree, But if i have Good/very Pair pre, dont mind shoving or shoving over a raise!!
OR have Hit say Nuts, top pr gd kicker, or have overpr to board post flop, Reason is You are more likley to get people callin on their draws or rag aces!! Fine you will get caught once in what, 3 or 4, but by that time you should have 2/3 bounties and a stack which can stand it!!
Basically few looser players about chasing bounties, so you may as well charge in full!!
I am waiting for top hands then Charging much more of a premium to see cards than normal!!
As tourney progresses you may want to change style to suit table, but look out for people with low chipstacks obsviously, but esp those with lower chip stacks & few bounties on heads, means they may have been pretty loose, and worth a race with these!!
As final table approaches remember the cash laddering is massive cause of the higher bounties if you take anyone, so maybe pick your spots & targets, AGAIN All player dependant!!
i dont really play them but wen i do tend to pick up a few bounties with my natural game, early on dont worry bout the bounties but you can make some marginal calls or shoves eg. get in with 99-10s if you think they have overs, sometimes may even be against worse pp. if you hit a big hand think of the best way to extract value if you think they call a shove with a draw do it! and so on, essentially your main aim should be to win the tournament as that will give you the most but any bounties on the way are an added bonus.
In regards to your style lisa i'd loosen up a bit for BH can always talk on fb for more details/advice
Remember you'll have very little fold equity when shoving early on as players will call really light to try to win one bounty. You can exploit this with premium hands. Bounties in the mid to late stages are the ones worth calling light for(especially against short stacks) as they tend to be much larger as they have accumulated bounties as the tourney has progressed. Just play your normal game and the bounties will take care of themselves.
Don't know how many we got goin yet!!
Mohican defo!! will be few more, Mo has started thread in the Sky poker tour section, I may still buy in direct after another go at qualifying!!
Welcome to all the New Players, glad u finding the FB group to, sry I been busy work & stuff latley, in fact just leavin NOW, to go straight to Fulham, no dinner, again, Kebab after i spect LOL !!
If you get a chance, look at talksport website!! Go to predictor....and......
league name, The Sky Poker Hitleague league code, F7460-QC1 ssshhhh lol !!
In Response to Re: HitSquad HotNews!!!!!!!! : Always 12 odd in the DTD!! I Have not been playin as much cause work, Fulham & family stuff on, but will defo be playin most 8pm's from 14th onwards!! Do you miss me & rest, DJ? Posted by HITMAN_RV
ermm yeah....just gets a bit boring beating TKP all the time...
To all Hitsquad that are going to SPT Nottingham have booked into the premier inn hope you can all join us, the address is as follows
Premier inn Nottingham Arena London Road NG2 4UU
The hotel is 10mins from the casino and 45 mins from east midlands Airport which have the skylink bus which drops you at Nottingham Train station which is 0.25 miles from Hotel or a quick hop and a jump. Very much looking forward to meeting up with all Hitsquad members the banter is top notch, but what do expect from a top notch Team see you all soon run Golden at the tables
To all Hitsquad that are going to SPT Nottingham have booked into the premier inn hope you can all join us, the address is as follows Premier inn Nottingham Arena London Road NG2 4UU The hotel is 10mins from the casino and 45 mins from east midlands Airport which have the skylink bus which drops you at Nottingham Train station which is 0.25 miles from Hotel or a quick hop and a jump. Very much looking forward to meeting up with all Hitsquad members the banter is top notch, but what do expect from a top notch Team see you all soon run Golden at the tables Andy Posted by shipdchips
thanks Andy, i will round up mi gang, & hopefully get a few of us here too!!
Forum DTD Monday 08/08/2011 - - With a Bounty Bonus
Fantasy Poker League Links- For Players List Click HERE to enter a Team Click HERE
Month of August Bounty Bonus!
Any player who eliminates James Hartigan from a DTD tournament will go into a draw at the end of August to win a £110 Sky Roller entry. Knock him out of more than one event pants (Have to Play all 3 Tourneys). So, if a random Deep Stack entrant knocks him out, they don't go into the draw.
New Weekly Prize Structure below based on runners playing all 3 Tourneys- - - Last week we had 102 Runners who played all 3
50 runners = Fridays TSP Cassic Entry
75 runners = Saturdays £22 Open Entry
100 runners = Thursdays £33 BH Entry
Hi all & welcome to the Forum DTD Last Longer which takes place every Monday & as a Bonus Sky Adam has put up the Prizes(see above)
The structure is 3 Tourneys lowest score wins (see below) to take part simply post on this thread BEFORE Monday 7-10pm. I will be doing the updates every week now Here's how it is going to work.
Your 3 scores are added together & the lowest wins the Prize
Your score in each tournament will be based on your finishing position. So, if you finish 1st, 5th and 92nd your score will be 1 + 5 + 92 = 98
Please note that in the event of a tie the player with the lowest finishing position in a comp will be deemed the winner
eg if 2 players both finish on 30 pts and 1 finishes a tourny in 1st & the other 2nd the player finishing in the 1st place will be deemed the winner
7-15pm Deepstack buy-in £2-20
8-30pm Totty buy-in £2-20
7-45pm Deepstack buy-in £1-10
If you have any questions i will try to answer them on this thread.
As a thank you for the excellent support you all continue to show
Starting on Monday August 1st
and running for 5 weeks We will be running a Monthly comp alongside the usual weekly one
so thats the 1st / 8th /15th /22th & 29th August. It won't cost any extra it's a bonus
Your best 3 scores out of the 5 will be added together and an average score taken
The player who achieves the lowest average will win (see below)
100 runners – £55 Primo Seat
150 runners – £110 Sky Roller Seat
200 runners – £220 Sunday Roller Seat
Above is based on number of different players in a Month (last month we had 108)
Hey, team leader.... just occurred to me that our team name has an extra dimension if written... Team HitsQuad How spooky. Posted by aussie09
LOL!! Had thought actually to myself, that IF we got that BIG lol, and IF that Praz's solicitors turned up moanin, we could change to TEAM HitQuads!! lol
But have got around this hopefully, by sendin Praz & his mates a personal invite to join....I aint heard back yet!!
* indicates 'Colours' awarded, [Hitsquad Polo]
colours awarded for SPT qualification, DTD points, or Bravery in the face of enemy!!
Dave* HITMAN_RV [Team Hitman]
Rudi HitPup [First Team Mascot RIP]
Ruby Hitpup2 [Current Team Mascot]
Barry* monkey123 [Team CanGod]
Matt* sic-swans [Team, 'in your face mother']
Carl* Mohican [Team Hair!]
Paul* BARBIE59 [& Girlfriend Zoe*, Team Couple]
Rob* EmilyEgg [ Team Exile ]
John* Young Gun [ Team Protegee']
Father Terry Vaigret [Team Chaplain]
Colin* golden238 [Team Shrek]
Wynne* wynne1938 [Team Wise Man]
Pat* Uncle Pat [Team Uncle]
Andrew sighKO [ Team Pyscho Jones]
Rob* aussie09 [ Team Antipodean]
cantplay20 [Team CanPlay ??]
David* DAIBOOT [Team Boyo]
Ashley* delaney09 [Team Irn Bru]
Martyn* Splashies [Team Cobbler]
Robin* harding10 [Team Blue Moon]
Robert RAB* RAB642 [Teab RAB, ?????. but it drinks buckfast and tiger]
Anna* Fowles !! [ Team Glama Anna ].....Yes, Honestly!!
Dave* Wacko90 [Team Wacko?]
Steve Bigbiker22 [Team Biker]
Andy* Shipdchips [Team ? ]
Ken* kennybad [ Team Villain]
Mike* maggiesdad [Team Kidder]
Dean 1nitro1 [Team Aslan]
Lisa* lisar83 [Team Erica Roe] Vice Capo/Recruitment Secretary!!
Patrick* 123456789 [Team Numbers]
Neil* donkeyplop [Team Donkey]
Simon Lightwood [Team Potter]
Ed* WWFCblue [Team Youngster]
John Dunonriver
Joe yuranASSet [Team BatShatMad!!]
Callum iBLUFF [Team Bluffer]
Sue* kidgirlgy [Team Vegas Chick!!]
Greg* Greg_D
Mr Mac Mr Mac [Team Casino Owner!!] Les Croupiers Cardiff!!
whoareya Luke
Mark* GRE8FLOP [Team Robin]
Dave* MAXMAX123 [Team Sports Coupe ?]
Dave* Quietman [Team Silence]
John* JRY
Emma* Llamas
Ross Rosco15 [Team Jambo]
John* Johnred888 [Team Lovechild?]
Carl* luvBWFC [Team Trotter]
Alan* BENDOG40
Richard* curlarge [Team Curly]
Ricky ricky1970
Lynnn* dragonfli [Team Dragonfly]
Ian* Macmonster [Team Monster]
Alan* gixxerk4 [Team Orfords Biyatch]
Roy* w4rlock
Robert* Sherifoo07 [Team Fox ]
Willy* 3Barrels [Team Barrels]
Dave* Dave448
William* liamboi11 [Team 'Wullie']
Kalie* Batkin88
Danny* Moon_River [Team PaintYaWagon??LOL] whadaya think 'Partner' lol
Ross RossMc [Team Roller]
Simon* Slykllist [Team Cyclist ] Vice Capo
Miles SubSoNiic [Team BooooM]
Chris Gelder [Team Iron Mike??]
Ben Bensbird11 [Team Thai ]
Pati* mrs_balti [ Team Ruby or Team BatGirl??]
Damian fudgee777
Cristos* Sikas
Ryan goodylad21
Arron Swog
Marc* rancid
Martin dalek x [Team Exterminator]
Lee tewy [Team Squaddie ?]
redmerle [Team Mute, LOL??]
Andy Flintyoff [Team Shiner]
Danny* Danny99
Leo Lesdennis [team Comedian?]
Shane Shirley02 [Team Eagle?]
Mark kingfishxx
Leonard jlj17
Micky* smarr [Team...'The General'] OK?
Neil neiller
Andy* nemoisback
Mitch MITCH22
Dave* Oopnorth
David hibs1212
Karen* Kazzzz
Roddy GatlingGob
Luke MagicMan29
Ben* Bearproof
Kevin* Kohan
Mark slackAA [Team Dexter]
Darren dazzo302 [Team Great One] for trial period only!! lol
Paul* Lambert180
Billy* gomliser11
Bill* Bill Murray [Team Gangster/actor]
Jim jimbob1235
shirley Shirley Maclaine [Team Brighton hotelier]
Bryan scwuffy54
Charlie hunt09
Shaun mondo1985
Dave Davelufc
Mick VespaPX [Team Mod]
Richard step7
Lisa sxclady [Team Sexy Lady]......very!!
Peter ivtomo16
Mark Boyrarr1
Andrew Baltimore
Abby* GLDLADYLUC [Team Student]
Mike* Woogie8688
Paul Typhoon [Team Hurricane]
Teresa* betterha1f
Elliott EllBaldwin
Joe SkiItaly
kevin spoony21
Steve profman15 [Team prof]
Paul bignoise10
Nicky Tsaaaar [Team Russian]
Phil rusty762
Richard bailey69
Andy pokerghost
Adam mould03
Steve Ice Tiger [Team kool Tiger]
Pat day4eire76
James dontellmum
Andy lcfcfan
Steve poshcole
Mark play2win02
Andy bolesAA
Dave raffles65
The Cheer-Leaders from The St. Louis Rams USA!!!!! YES REALLLY!!
Matt AJaX99
Bill wartic
William wilheim
Martin tintin
Guy Elguy [Team Jacket]
Richard MrRichPot
Peter ebberdon
Steve Fonzie14
Scott omm
Alex Toddie 009
Steven lenkatie09
Roy TheUKSpoon
Carl Hotwheals
Mike bbMike
Peter kimpet
Andrew andrew1947
Tatjana 'tba' YES IT's TRUE!!!!
Natasha tashan
Ant Ant58
Ciaran Baccus00
Jamie limmy01
Stephen VALU3CL0WN
Paul actionj4ck
Mandy pussinboots
Mark sumner0754
Rex johnfrum
Hope I aint missed anyone, & make sure you all have posted your intro.s up !!
more nick-names to follow, will be earn't in the arena & may be changed at will, please advise if ya got a good Team position u can fill !! [we still have Team Tart available, lol, might have that myself]
Good luck all !!
HitSquad DTD Team points Scored since start DTD League
All below Players have earnt their Colours [Squaddie Shirts], let me know if you have not got!!
Extra shirts available to buy at £20 each!
HitSquad DTD Team points Scored in 2011!!!
Squaddie Top Tens Wins Team Points
young-gun 4 3 32!!!!!!!!!!!
RAB642 4 1 23
3Barrels 2 - 17
Barbie59 3 - 16
wynne1938 3 - 16
HITMAN_RV 5 - 14
luvBWFC 1 3 13
splashies 2 1 12
MacMonster 2 1 12
Lisar83 2 1 12
ShipDchips 1 1 11
Danny99 3 1 10
harding10 3 - 10
KennyBad 2 - 10
Gre8flop 1 - 9
Moon River 1 - 9
RANCID 1 - 9
123456789 1 - 8
Quietman 1 1 7
BENDOG40 1 - 7
dragonfli 1 - 7
Batkin 1 1 6
Wacko90 1 - 6
sherifo07 1 - 6
monkey123 1 1 6
wwfcblue 2 - 4
Shazallin 1 - 4
sic-swans 1 - 4
Llamas 1 - 4
Johnred888 2 - 4
Slykllist 1 - 3
Liamboi11 - 1 1
New Year, New Table 2012, New Squaddies, 'Breakthru Year'!!
Once more unto the Baize , dear , Comrades once more;
Or close the wall up with our HitSquad dead.
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of Poker blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise Your Hand with hard-favour'd rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;
Let pry through the portage of the head
Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled Limp
O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.
Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,
Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit
To his full height. On, on, you noblest HitSquad.
Whose blood is fet from fathers that be Bluff-proof!
Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,
Have in these parts from morn till even fought
And sheathed their Pocket Pairs for lack of argument:
Dishonour not your mothers; now attest
That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you.
Be copy now to men of grosser blood,
And teach them how to RAISE And you, good Squaddies,
Whose limbs were, made on SkyPoker show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this Flop
Cry 'God for Tikay, SkyPoker, and The HitSquad!'
William Shakespeare & The Hitman
Will start with part of the post that set the ball rollin as an intro, then will list members which I will update when necs...............................
"As there may be some sort of Cardiff SPT 2010 challenge thrown down by Machka, thought we better Start our own thread!!
This Elite 'HitSquad' started when Four of us went to our first ever SPT at LUTON just over a year ago[feb2010?], we were alll Rabbish then, but have focused on gettin better!!
Now we have heard there is another Hitsquad [Praz etc], we are detemined to knock them off their perch, along with Sky 'superstars' TKP!! lol , and even the Famous Team Sky LOL !!
Original Members HITMANRV, Monkey123, sicswans, marc2000, and 'adopted' at the Luton Bar, Mohican, have laid low for a year building our poker skills, we are now ready to unleash on the Poker world, startin with Cardiff SPT !!
First 'Sky' person we ever met was the ever polite Machka, at our Luton hotel, so this has gone round full circle. Now TKP has developed fully into The premier Sky 'team' lol so to speak!!
We Shall be CONDUCTING INTERVIEWS for other POSSIBLE TEAM MEMBERS over the next few weeks!!
There will be some intense tests & a suitabilty scrutiny will have to be carried out, so that insanity is proven etc!!
{Started by HITMAN_RV May 2011}
Champions Runners-up
May '11 Team Knightplop Team HitSquad
June '11 Team PokerTrev Team HitSquad
July '11 Team 51 Team PokerTrev
Aug.'11 Team PokerTrev Team 51
Sept.'11 Team 51 Team HitSquad
Oct. '11 Team HitSquad Team 51
Nov.'11 Team PokerTrev Team Hitsquad
Dec.'11 Team HitSquad Team PokerTrev
Jan.'12 Team PokerTrev Team 51
Feb.'12 DYM LegEnds Team Hitsquad
March12 Team HitSquad Team PokerTrev
April '12 Team HitSquad Team PokerTrev
May 12 PokerTitans Team Hitsquad
June 12 Team HitSquad PokerTitans
July 12 Team 51 Team HitSquad
Aug 12 Team HitSquad Team 51
Sept 12 Team 51 Team HitSquad
Oct 12 Team HitSquad Team Diamond
Nov 12 Team Diamond Team HitSquad
Dec 12 Team HitSquad Team Diamond
Jan 13 Team HitSquad Team 51
Feb 13 Team HitSquad Team Diamond
March13 Team HitSquad Poker Titans
April 13 Team HitSquad Poker Titans
May 13 HitSquad Jams Team Diamond
June13 Team 51 HitSquad Jams
July 13 HitSquad Jams Team 51
Aug.13 HitSquad Jams Poker Titans
Sept 13 HitSquad Jams HitSquad Donks
Oct 13 Poker Titans HitSquad Donks
Nov 13 HitSquad Donks HitSquad Jams
Dec 13 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams
Jan 14 HitSquad Jams HitSquad Donks
Feb 14 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams
March14 Poker Titans HitSquad Jams
April 14 HitSquad Poker Titans
May 14 HitSquad Poker Titans
June 14 HitSquad Poker Titans
July 14 Poker Titans HitSquad
August14 HitSquad Poker Titans
Sept 14 HitSquad Dragons
Oct 14 HitSquad Outlaws
Nov 14 HitSquad Poker Titans
Dec 14 HitSquad Dragons
Jan 15 HitSquad Dragons
HitSquad Forum DTD Points Champions!!
2011 Young_Gun
2012 MacMonster
2014 riverrick
please fill in copy n paste, if u would like to join, ALL WELCOME!!
1, Name...............
2, SEX M/F..........
3, SANE/INSANE..........
4, Football Team........
5, Fav Drink, [or not].....
6, Special Powers [like the X-Men, what could you add to The HitSquad] ...
7, If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be?.....
8, Would you eat Chips, Cheese & Gravy for breakfast, after a long day/nite drinking & pokering?.....
New or existing Members, please join our Facebook Group!!
Here is the Facebook link to Hitman's (David Harvey) HitSquad Captain, page
And mine (Lisa Reynolds), Cheif Hitsquad Recruitment Officer,
Add one (or both!!) of us and we'll get u added to the Hitsquad Facebook page.
Hope to see u there soon
www.skypoker.com/secure/ver1.0/Content/images/store/8/15/2859cdb5-913a-4c7c-af53-c2c04164d1c0.Large.png" alt="" />
It's a closed group it won't come up on a search.....Add me here and I can add u to the group
Was thinking of TEAM JAMBO!!!....But EmilyEgg is also that, lol currently under the name TEAM EXILE tho!!
Am sure Rob Emily egg wont mind u using that team name to start.. What u think Ross!!
Have frined requested u on Sky & I'll post up ma facebook link if i can or use lisa's so we can add u to FB Group!!
David Harvey - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002504449773&ref=ts
also im there now as of last night well excited gonna jam in a few eyes and take it down!
I've started playing Bounty Hunters a lot more but need some advice.........I've tried being more aggressive and getting a few bounties but never making the paid positions, and I've played less aggressive only getting 1 bounty but finishing in a paid position.................I can't seem to do both!!!!
Is it just a case of practice makes perfect??
I like playing the bounties. I liken it to carp fishing in a spawning pool. most players are ultra aggressive. dont worry too much about the early bounties are they are not going anywhere. main thing it to try and keep above ave chip stack. so as not to become fish food. Also take on more of the 50/50 calls
Also Lisa, others may disagree, But if i have Good/very Pair pre, dont mind shoving or shoving over a raise!!
OR have Hit say Nuts, top pr gd kicker, or have overpr to board post flop, Reason is You are more likley to get people callin on their draws or rag aces!! Fine you will get caught once in what, 3 or 4, but by that time you should have 2/3 bounties and a stack which can stand it!!
Basically few looser players about chasing bounties, so you may as well charge in full!!
I am waiting for top hands then Charging much more of a premium to see cards than normal!!
As tourney progresses you may want to change style to suit table, but look out for people with low chipstacks obsviously, but esp those with lower chip stacks & few bounties on heads, means they may have been pretty loose, and worth a race with these!!
As final table approaches remember the cash laddering is massive cause of the higher bounties if you take anyone, so maybe pick your spots & targets, AGAIN All player dependant!!
i dont really play them but wen i do tend to pick up a few bounties with my natural game, early on dont worry bout the bounties but you can make some marginal calls or shoves eg. get in with 99-10s if you think they have overs, sometimes may even be against worse pp. if you hit a big hand think of the best way to extract value if you think they call a shove with a draw do it! and so on, essentially your main aim should be to win the tournament as that will give you the most but any bounties on the way are an added bonus.
In regards to your style lisa i'd loosen up a bit for BH can always talk on fb for more details/advice
GL xx
Just play your normal game and the bounties will take care of themselves.
Might have a wee go at a BH later so I'll see how it goes.....if u don't hear back it has all ended in tears lol
Cheers guys xx
Ur very welcome
Don't know how many we got goin yet!!
Mohican defo!! will be few more, Mo has started thread in the Sky poker tour section, I may still buy in direct after another go at qualifying!!
Welcome to all the New Players, glad u finding the FB group to, sry I been busy work & stuff latley, in fact just leavin NOW, to go straight to Fulham, no dinner, again, Kebab after i spect LOL !!
If you get a chance, look at talksport website!! Go to predictor....and......
league name, The Sky Poker Hitleague
league code, F7460-QC1 ssshhhh lol !!
i am staying at nottingham central travel lodge with delaney09, roughly works out £24ish a night friday to monday
Gl in the Roller!!!
I Have not been playin as much cause work, Fulham & family stuff on, but will defo be playin most 8pm's from 14th onwards!!
Do you miss me & rest, DJ?
Premier inn
Nottingham Arena
London Road
The hotel is 10mins from the casino and 45 mins from east midlands Airport which have the skylink bus which drops you at Nottingham Train station which is 0.25 miles from Hotel or a quick hop and a jump. Very much looking forward to meeting up with all Hitsquad members the banter is top notch, but what do expect from a top notch Team see you all soon run Golden at the tables
Forum DTD Monday 08/08/2011 - - With a Bounty Bonus
First: 20/6/2009
Last: 6/8/2011
to enter a Team Click HERE
Month of August Bounty Bonus!
Any player who eliminates James Hartigan from a DTD tournament will go into a draw at the end of August to win a £110 Sky Roller entry. Knock him out of more than one event pants (Have to Play all 3 Tourneys). So, if a random Deep Stack entrant knocks him out, they don't go into the draw.
New Weekly Prize Structure below based on runners playing all 3 Tourneys- - - Last week we had 102 Runners who played all 3
50 runners = Fridays TSP Cassic Entry
75 runners = Saturdays £22 Open Entry
100 runners = Thursdays £33 BH Entry
Hi all & welcome to the Forum DTD Last Longer which takes place every Monday & as a Bonus Sky Adam has put up the Prizes (see above)
The structure is 3 Tourneys lowest score wins (see below) to take part simply post on this thread BEFORE Monday 7-10pm. I will be doing the updates every week now
Here's how it is going to work.
Your 3 scores are added together & the lowest wins the Prize
Your score in each tournament will be based on your finishing position.
So, if you finish 1st, 5th and 92nd your score will be 1 + 5 + 92 = 98
Please note that in the event of a tie the player with the lowest finishing position in a comp will be deemed the winner
eg if 2 players both finish on 30 pts and 1 finishes a tourny in 1st & the other 2nd the player finishing in the 1st place will be deemed the winner
7-15pm Deepstack buy-in £2-20
8-30pm Totty buy-in £2-207-45pm Deepstack buy-in £1-10
If you have any questions i will try to answer them on this thread.
As a thank you for the excellent support you all continue to show
Starting on Monday August 1st
and running for 5 weeks We will be running a Monthly comp alongside the usual weekly one
so thats the 1st / 8th /15th /22th & 29th August. It won't cost any extra it's a bonus
Your best 3 scores out of the 5 will be added together and an average score taken
The player who achieves the lowest average will win (see below)
100 runners – £55 Primo Seat
150 runners – £110 Sky Roller Seat
200 runners – £220 Sunday Roller SeatAbove is based on number of different players in a Month (last month we had 108)
the rules bit.
Hey, team leader.... just occurred to me that our team name has an extra dimension if written...
Team HitsQuad
How spooky.
But have got around this hopefully, by sendin Praz & his mates a personal invite to join....I aint heard back yet!!
Do I need to inform anyone I have joined THS team????
Good luck all
Found it and reported for duty.