Trevor it's a great idea to develope the the team game thingy and I'm all for it with a couple of provisos. If we are limited to the top 20 TPT players from our game and likewise Hitsquad when we come to join their game and then they join ours they have quite a big advantage as they have a far bigger team and usually more runners. Personally I would like to see our top 20 players take on their top 20 players. Another point is that in our previous games if you take away the guests we barely managed 20 runners so our team more or less picks itself. (20 is the minimum number Sky hope to play that's why we have to invite others) But I do accede that we have a slighly bigger team now.
Also would I be right in assuming you had this idea as a one off and not something to do every month? I would like to keep the TPT game more as a TEAM game as I think it has been pretty successful and the last game we had was really popular.
One of our team is very keen to play in the monthly game but has commitments early evening and has asked me can we start a bit later. To decide this fairly there's a poll been set up. So it's completely impartial could you please just vote and don't leave comments. As always the majority wins (unless your called Mugabe)
Very nice cashes Burnsy, Kiwi and J3ono. Ooooh nearly forgot Stoke in the Orfordable - great win with a terrific comeback from a measly chipstack! Well done all! Hopefully it's my turn tonight as I have made Survivor final again. I've already had a 3rd and a 2nd now it's the win! And thanks for the rail last night JJ although you didn't see much action lol.
Very nice cashes Burnsy, Kiwi and J3ono. Ooooh nearly forgot Stoke in the Orfordable - great win with a terrific comeback from a measly chipstack! Well done all! Hopefully it's my turn tonight as I have made Survivor final again. I've already had a 3rd and a 2nd now it's the win! And thanks for the rail last night JJ although you didn't see much action lol. Posted by FlyingDagg
Good luck tonight, and Sporny sends his best wishes for your success tonight too. Sporny also wants me to wish good luck to all the other TPTers playing tonight.
Nice cashes MrB, Flash and Redking. while we were playing a Hilo cash game last night spornybol dropped by and reminded us all with his chatbox talk why we miss him! He's not yet closed his account so I reckon he might come back playing. Hope he does.
Well written Trev very easy to understand hope it goes ahead
200 gtn
MRBURNS402£60 + 16 League Points
Also would I be right in assuming you had this idea as a one off and not something to do every month? I would like to keep the TPT game more as a TEAM game as I think it has been pretty successful and the last game we had was really popular.
Poll here
Ty for the rail tonight J3 and JJ
Main 1 Add on no rebuys
MRBURNS407£278 + 112 League Points
1500 Super BH No rebuys
MRBURNS402£146.14 + £31.98 Head Prizes + 46 League Points4
had this 2330 bh, 3 cashes in row in that:)
j3ono014£4.33 + £26.36 Head Prizes + 2 League Points11
ty for rail jjj and fd earlier in 2130
Good Luck tonight FD
Good luck to all TPTers tonight, whatever your playing.
Good luck on the tables everyone
4pm BH
MRBURNS408£22 + £3.75 Head Prizes + 6 League Points1
Crashed out of the Vegas quarter after qualifying for £2.50.
Was a lot of fun though. Next time.
vwp FlyingDagg, king of the survivor thingy, nice cashes e/one else.
I am starting a new challange how many times can you bubble FT I start it off with number 3 in 3 days lol
9.30 2k BH
MRBURNS407£64.20 + £7.50 Head Prizes + 10 League Points1Mini
MRBURNS4049£4.72 + £9.40 Head Prizes6
but still made a 4:1 profit, wiiiiiii
ROI this time 3:1, wiiiiii
Hope this isn't forming a habit?
Come back spornybol, TPT needs you. (To take the bad beats)
WD redking nice cashes.Gl at the tables guys.
haven't played many mtts so no cashes to post...i have been playing mainly dyms
just seen the news about sporny.....gutted hope he comes back, he place wont be the same without him!
MRBURNS406£30.60 + £10.96 Head Prizes + 24 League Points2