hello lads havent played for a while on sky ! bk now i have a few cashes to post ! i finished 2nd in the 300 gtd rebuy yesterday but i cant find it ! that was for 90 there is also i 50 gtd speed which aint showing up ! that was for 32. Can some1 tell me how to post a hand ???????? Posted by addo07
Hiya, you go to the tab "My Sky Poker", then to "Hand History". Here you can search through any format of the game Cash, STT or MTT and the time bracket the hand was played in. Once you have the hand click on "Details" to open it up then highlight as much as you want and click copy followed by paste on the relevent thread.
Hope this makes it clear.
I usually find it is best to use Internet Explorer when copying & pasting hands
been seaching for wolvesf474 the last couple of nights hes not been on will look out for him if my pc holds up.is there a time limit ? Posted by stokefc
Don't panic m8 - i'm sure it will all get sorted in good time.
Nice cashes all!! Haven't been playing much lately, what with the kids and moving house in a couple of weeks not much time for poker Will be playing tonight though so good luck all xx
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi thesands Thank you for your interest in joining TPT. I will update the team list shortly - welcome to the team. Here is a little info which may help. Monday Forum DTD On Monday Nights we play the Forum DTD where you can win Free Prizes each week and also Monthly prizes. We also run a league against the other forum teams for a bit of fun and banter. The Monday Forum DTD consists of the following tourneys, which you will find in the lobby on Mondays.... DTD1 (£2.20) Deepstack DTD2 (£1.10) Deepstack DTD3 £2.20) NLH Your best 2 scores from these 2 tourneys count towards the league and the added prizes. You will also have to post your name & team (TPT) in the "Monday Forum DTD thread" in "General Poker Chat" section of the forum each week that you are available to play. Friday Orfordable League On Friday Evenings we also run a Monthly League Called the "Friday Orfordable" Orfordable (£3.30) Deepstack Again you will have to post your name in the "Friday Orfordable Thread" in General Poker Chat section of the forum at the beginning of each Month. (There is one running tonight) Non of the above is compulsory, just as and when you are available to play, but hopefully you will find it very enjoyable and return on a regular basis. Please also post your Tournament Cashes in the TPT thread as FlyingDagg our Vice Captain keeps a running total and does a top Job too I might add. Ok - Just one more thing 1. We have our very own website & forum as listed below, so please take a look.........it would be nice to see a few more get involved. There is also a "CHATBOX" Facility where some of us have been meeting up and having a chat before the start of the games on Mondays. web: www.teampokertitans.co.uk Forum: http://teampokertitans.team-talk.net/ Also if you need any help with anything at all (Including your game) all you have to do is post on the TPT Thread and i'm sure your team mates will help you out. Pop by and say hello on the TPT Thread "Official TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulation & cashes" and I will updat the team list. Best Regards Pokertrev (TPT Captain) Posted by POKERTREV
Don't forget the mega stack on a Friday evening as well 8:30 start time. £5.50 entry and 10k starting stack........................
Cheers for info mate ! couple of small cashes from tnite, the 2nd from the 300 gtd rebuy is there i mentioned it on my last post, also the 50 gtd i mentioned gl lads !!
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Don't forget the mega stack on a Friday evening as well 8:30 start time. £5.50 entry and 10k starting stack........................ Posted by chubbers
TPT PRIVATE GAME After the disappointments of the low turnout for our Xmas games let's see if we can get this back on track with a decent turnout. Deepstack BH so plenty of time to chat and make friends with our new members. Link HERE
Lads im just wondering what forum or blog i go to for registration into the DTD for tomorrow night, was hoping to do it know as i am unsure if i will be home from work on time to reg, got a little bit of overtime and you know the saying (MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES) any help would be great.
On a lighter note, did ye hear about the guy who when into a chip shop in dublin and asked for a hamburger and chips, the guy behind the counter said do you want anything on the burger and the customer said yeah stick a fiver each way on it.....
Lads im just wondering what forum or blog i go to for registration into the DTD for tomorrow night, was hoping to do it know as i am unsure if i will be home from work on time to reg, got a little bit of overtime and you know the saying (MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES) any help would be great. On a lighter note, did ye hear about the guy who when into a chip shop in dublin and asked for a hamburger and chips, the guy behind the counter said do you want anything on the burger and the customer said yeah stick a fiver each way on it..... Thanks lads.. Posted by tomred64
looks like they a a little late putting the DTD Thread up in "General Poker Chat"
I will put ye name down when I do mine as soon as its up.
5kb/h Even chips at heads up till my "a" flush came up against his f/h - bit cruel butthats poker - still, very pleased with how I played Jeffter 0 2 £690 + £302.82 Head Prizes 5 Posted by Jeffter
Lads im just wondering what forum or blog i go to for registration into the DTD for tomorrow night, was hoping to do it know as i am unsure if i will be home from work on time to reg, got a little bit of overtime and you know the saying (MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES) any help would be great. On a lighter note, did ye hear about the guy who when into a chip shop in dublin and asked for a hamburger and chips, the guy behind the counter said do you want anything on the burger and the customer said yeah stick a fiver each way on it..... Thanks lads.. Posted by tomred64
Nice Cashes Jeffter & three - wish I had known you were on the FT of the BH Jeffter, I woulda come to rail.
Best of luck all who are playing the Forum DTD Tonight - One or two players having a break at the mo so......We don't have quantity entered at mo, but we certainly have the quality
Lets see if we can get a few reds in the top 10 - But most of all............
Lets have some fun out there. - See you at the tables
Re: posting hands
First: 29/6/2009
Last: 28/5/2012
Hope this makes it clear.
If I see him about i'll let you know
Haven't been playing much lately, what with the kids and moving house in a couple of weeks not much time for poker
Thanks for the reminder m8
Mega stack
A needed win for me tonight £41.40 from the £300 Gtd at 1700hrs today Finnished 4th
Keep improving and Good Luck
WD addo jeffter and pomm nice cashes and nice wins
WD bestbitter nice cash.Gl at the tables guys
After the disappointments of the low turnout for our Xmas games let's see if we can get this back on track with a decent turnout. Deepstack BH so plenty of time to chat and make friends with our new members.
On a lighter note, did ye hear about the guy who when into a chip shop in dublin and asked for a hamburger and chips, the guy behind the counter said do you want anything on the burger and the customer said yeah stick a fiver each way on it.....
Thanks lads..
I will put ye name down when I do mine as soon as its up.
Small cash for the captain 7.15 deepy
GRAND TOTAL £15853.18
Why not visit our TPT private website www.teampokertitans.com
Post ya jokes and tales on there. Its private too.
GL m8
Best of luck all who are playing the Forum DTD Tonight - One or two players having a break at the mo so......We don't have quantity entered at mo, but we certainly have the quality
Lets see if we can get a few reds in the top 10 - But most of all............
Lets have some fun out there. - See you at the tables
Best of Luck - TPT FTW
Hi JJ, enjoy the break m8 and come back refreshed. Cya tomorrow then m8.