Thank you guys for your warm hearted welcome back guys....... lol.Missed the banter just not the bad beats.Didn't start too well as my AA got cracked by 66.I did manage a ft and 5th place in DTD1.If there is one reason to be in a team it's for the banter.Then again if you want banter and the best railing on the site then TPT is the only one to be in.Thanks very much for the rail guys,i couldn't have done it without you.WD on your cashes pomm chubbers and jeffter.By the way if anyone has notes on jeffter, change them to fish fish fish lol. jjjach05£24.82
Hi Guys they say when your at the poker table concentrate on the game and dont let anything distract nyou. Well I was in the £350 BH today and there was 10 left in the tourny.3jono came onto the table and we got chatting. I had about 10k and was about in 5th place. I was in position and hit AA. One player had raised pre flop before me and I re-raised 5400. Hoping he would call. I still carried on chatting and when I looked up thinking he had folded I pressed what I thought was the Muck button. It was in fact the fold button he had shoved. I was gutted never know what he had wud love to see it on tele. LOOK AND LEARN I HAVE sob sob j3ono
WD bhoys and three nice cashes.Ul with that hand three.Then again everyone says you never win with AA so you was just cutting out the middle man lol.Gl at the tables guys.
Heads Up result FlyingDagg 2 - 0 jjjach First game lasted 3 hands jj got AQ I had AK ul jj. 2nd game was a ding d ong battle and good fun. Posted by FlyingDagg
Good luck all in DTD tonight.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancesteelrod Small blind 15.00 15.00 5075.00 MeloPete Big blind 30.00 45.00 3850.00 Your hole cards A A bigal36903 Raise 90.00 135.00 10887.50 dutchpip09 Raise 210.00 345.00 5670.00 ashers Fold darthpia Fold steelrod Raise 630.00 975.00 4445.00 MeloPete Fold bigal36903 Call 555.00 1530.00 10332.50 dutchpip09 Call 435.00 1965.00 5235.00 Flop 10 4 2 steelrod All-in 4445.00 6410.00 0.00 bigal36903 Call 4445.00 10855.00 5887.50 dutchpip09 Fold steelrod Show A A bigal36903 Show 6 10 Turn 10 River 2 bigal36903 Win Full House, 10s and 2s 10855.00 16742.50
Welcome back jj, it wasnt 3, it was i guy asked 3 times.
Doing ok in DTD 3 though , so fingers crossed..
Thank you guys for your warm hearted welcome back guys....... lol.Missed the banter just not the bad beats.Didn't start too well as my AA got cracked by 66.I did manage a ft and 5th place in DTD1.If there is one reason to be in a team it's for the banter.Then again if you want banter and the best railing on the site then TPT is the only one to be in.Thanks very much for the rail guys,i couldn't have done it without you.WD on your cashes pomm chubbers and jeffter.By the way if anyone has notes on jeffter, change them to fish fish fish lol. jjjach05£24.82
Didnt I m8?
Hi Trev
No worries sorry I posted then lot, will not do it again I promise ( please don't spank me )
I was doing ok up til then, Had these two earlier.
£350 Junchtime timed. 4th for £28.56
£150 Gtd @ 2.05 pm 2nd for £18.18
Im so sick.
FlyingDagg 2 - 0 jjjach
First game lasted 3 hands jj got AQ I had AK ul jj. 2nd game was a ding d ong battle and good fun.
Searched for you both on HU at 8 but no joy
Well done dagg - gl in next round.