Some ups and downs (again) over the last few days. I had an awful time over the weekend. Bad luck (let's call it variance to sound professional), some proper donking and a mini tilt all contributed to a major financial hit. At one point last week I was about £230 in profit but in the early hours of this morning that had been whittled down to less than £50. Today, I forced myself to be a bit tighter. I was unlucky to go out in one bounty hunter MTT thanks when I a guy with a slightly bigger stack than me shoved on the turn when I had the nuts flush only for the river to give him a full house and leave me with nothing to show for some good work apart from a hard luck story. The next bounty hunter went much better though, and I hung in there through some tough spots to not only get to the final table but to win the whole damn thing. I had a couple of really nice hands that I played beautifully (honestly, I was just as chuffed about how I played them as I was about the first place finish), and my latest crisis of confidence was solved. £350 B/Hunter, Buyin + Fee £5 + £0.75, 1st place, £66.26 + £28.78 Head Prizes (£95.04) The guy/girl who finished second was NANNYB, who finished with 14 head prizes to my four. S/he was killing it until I found those two great hands vs him and he had 120,000+ chips to my 15-20,000 at one stage, so I was really surprised to win that. S/he hit great hand after great hand, especially when people went all-in, and certainly rubbed some people up the wrong way - pokaman who finished fourth had him/her tabbed as a bingo player, and he wasn't the only one. All I'll say is that it was a very satisfying win... I also had a £30.91 cash in a £5 + £0.75 timed MTT and took all £30 in a £3 + £0.30 one, as well as some dribs and drabs, here and there. Oh, and GELDY did the dirty on me in another bounty hunter today. I was juggling a few other tables and was making dinner at the same time otherwise I would have railed him until the end but the last time I checked he had a very healthy stack and looked likely to make some big bucks. If you're reading, GELDY, I hope you cleaned up but I'll get you next time! The profit is over £170 now, so I'm less than £50 down from last week's highpoint, and I can't complain too much. Posted by wizball
Wizzballyou make posting winnings very interesting and please don't stop doing it like this but may I ask a favour? Could you highlight the amounts like I have either in bold or a colour (Red is good it stands out) It just makes it easier for me when i total up our cashes. Thanks Dale.
Wizzballyou make posting winnings very interesting and please don't stop doing it like this but may I ask a favour? Could you highlight the amounts like I have either in bold or a colour (Red is good it stands out) It just makes it easier for me when i total up our cashes. Thanks Dale.
Sorry about that. I'll try to make things clearer in future.
morning every 1 can i just say thank you for the kind words last night still MADE UP now also a cash in the turbo main 40th place £25.58 gl all tonight
Hi guys just wondering wud any1 from TPT fancy creating some sort off mtt league for just TPT members ? dont know how it wud work or anything but we cud all spitball some suggestions..... also we cud keep it to a low buy in so every1 from TPT could take part ??????
Hi guys just wondering wud any1 from TPT fancy creating some sort off mtt league for just TPT members ? dont know how it wud work or anything but we cud all spitball some suggestions..... also we cud keep it to a low buy in so every1 from TPT could take part ?????? Posted by K8LOU
Hi guys just wondering wud any1 from TPT fancy creating some sort off mtt league for just TPT members ? dont know how it wud work or anything but we cud all spitball some suggestions..... also we cud keep it to a low buy in so every1 from TPT could take part ?????? Posted by K8LOU
What are your thoughts - weekly / monthly or 2 nights a week - Quarterly League?
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : What are your thoughts - weekly / monthly or 2 nights a week - Quarterly League? Posted by POKERTREV
I would say weekly or 2 weekly as some players may run bad and be out the frame pretty early on, so at least this way i they wont have long to wait till the next 1 starts.... but im easy il go 4 anything...
As none high stakes player i think this would be great, so long as i get higher than you lou In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Posted by hahahhaha
Im pretty certain u would mate !!!!! iv heard how u run ..p
snuck in a couple today - able to go one better in the £500 BH. hu vs bear_proof very hard work but got there eventually. was down to a hundred or so chips early on when I missed my draws, but you know what they say - a chip & a chair
welcome thebil123 snuck in a couple today - able to go one better in the £500 BH. hu vs bear_proof very hard work but got there eventually. was down to a hundred or so chips early on when I missed my draws, but you know what they say - a chip & a chair GELDY 110000 1 £101.75 + £54.80 Head Prizes 5 Bear_Proof 0 2 £60.50 + £26.07 Head Prizes 4 Posted by GELDY
great result - always hard work against the bear. - wd
Hi guys, thanks for the welcoming, maybe one day im able to get into an SPT, i will probably try for DTD Nottingham some day since its nearish to home.
So u guys post all cashes on Skypoker ? Is there a total win fund or something. ?
Hi guys, thanks for the welcoming, maybe one day im able to get into an SPT, i will probably try for DTD Nottingham some day since its nearish to home. So u guys post all cashes on Skypoker ? Is there a total win fund or something. ? Posted by thebil123
Hi Bil We post any MTT cashes on this thread and I do a total for the week each Monday. This is MTT only and not cash table wins. If it's a bounty hunter cash please include any head prizes too. It's strictly for fun to see how TPT are doing. If you would rather keep your cashes to yourself that is quite all right it's purely voluntary.
Sorry about that. I'll try to make things clearer in future.
Nice work Wizball.
Please give a BIG Welcome to our newest TPT player thebil123
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
snuck in a couple today - able to go one better in the £500 BH. hu vs bear_proof very hard work but got there eventually. was down to a hundred or so chips early on when I missed my draws, but you know what they say - a chip & a chair
Wiiiiiii I cashed lol.WD keith and karim who cashed to. jjjach08£7.73
Come on jj
Attending/not qualified yet.........
Looking good guys.
WD trev nice cash.I did pop by twice to say hi capt but was no response.I got 7 days and counting to qualify for spt.Gl at the tables guys.