WD red zoed and geldy nice cashes.Great to see you back chubbers,see you Monday.I didn't have a great night.Managed a du which put me in the top ten of deepy.Then the buttons stopped working.The big chat box wasn't working???? So I ended up turning off sky poker.Gl at the tables guys.
Evening all TPTers, Hope you are all winning at the tables. Played a deepy tonight, usual story, came nowhere lol.. Anyway hopefully play the DTD next Monday as the laptop is now working properly. Is the HU challenge still happening? Gl on the tables everyone.. Posted by chubbers
Hi Chubbers. Nice to have you back.
I will see if I can find the Heads-up Challenge Table............
Its been going that long it's probably on my Old windows 3.1 PC or my MS Dos system lol
wp ZOED, red & daiw deep run in the main A5<QTs aipf - 8/413 tks for the rail everyone and particularly K8LOU GELDY 0 8 £154.88 + £92.81 Head Prizes K8LOU & spornybol running well in the 9:15 deepie Posted by GELDY
Vwp again Geldy.... do u cash in every tourne u play !!!! have u cashed in every main this week? iv never met any1 with much disiplin !!!! solid again mate vwp !!!!!
Any tips would be appreciated. (Other than the muck 6 2 preflop one)
Seriously though, do you think you're doing anything differently at the moment? Assume confidence is high, so that always helps as well. Obviously tourneys on here are going well for you presently and I saw your post about the cash game. Are you playing much live as well?
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Well done k8, nice to see you on the up again Posted by greggo1410
Cheers mate its felt like the end of the world recently binked a few more tournies to and had a few good cash sessions so hopefully be playing the mains regular again soon !!!
Well done k8lou. I was a bit surprised to see you and Geldy in that deepstack. I was doing ok in it till I lost to AA. That doesn't sound too bad in itself but I played the horrendously and got what I deserved- nothing! Welcome back chubbers hope it goes well for you. Good luck all tonight whatever your playing.
Can any of you clever maths people tell me the odds of losing four times with kk in 20 minutes on four different tournaments? hands agaisnt was q10, j10, 65 and 32...cheers.
well done on taking down the Orfordable Deepy Larson & well done to Red_king for cashing too - wp both.
Had to play on the lappy this evening but was struggling to play 4 tables, hands kept folding & certain letters on the keyboard wern't working - no cashes - not one of my best nights.
WD red and waller nice cashes.WD Larson nice win and nice cash.Managed min cash in mega.Thanks for rail dale steel redking and lena.Stoke is still in if anyone is around. jjjach013£12.91
Can any of you clever maths people tell me the odds of losing four times with kk in 20 minutes on four different tournaments? hands agaisnt was q10, j10, 65 and 32...cheers. Posted by bracewell1
Fabulous month for you Geldy! Well done. Any tips would be appreciated. (Other than the muck 6 2 preflop one) Seriously though, do you think you're doing anything differently at the moment? Assume confidence is high, so that always helps as well. Obviously tourneys on here are going well for you presently and I saw your post about the cash game. Are you playing much live as well? Posted by Jac35
no complaints Paul, loving it, and tyvm
i do expect there is some positive variance in there - it does work both ways - but at the risk of an epicfail I do feel as if I have turned a corner. but why?
Since I've started playing poker I've been able to win live, and to win some big cashes online, but the consistency wasn't there. I decided a year ago that I needed to increase my capabilities. Value betting, 3-betting light, c/calling down etc etc. But with all new tools when you first play them you are pretty **** at it. Like changing your golf swing. So I have now a year of experience with my new tools, which helps.
But the biggest difference to me is an improved ability to sense the right thing to do. Many poker "rules" are contradictory. (yeah some are very clear - ie don't limp, but most fall into this category). i.e. don't lose your customer vs protect your hand. don't overplay your hand vs don't show weakness etc etc. so getting the balance right is very important.
Recently something has started clicking. Suddenly I'm less worried about "does he have the nuts" and more focussed on "what is he bluffing with". And they do seem to be bluffing more often than they have the nuts. Heavens, I even called a Batkin river bet with Ten high, so convinced I was that she was probably at it. (She was!)
So, I would put my recent improvement down to an increased feel coupled with greater experience at more aspects of poker. The great thing is I can still see lots of areas for improvement, which gives me a lot of optimism for the future.
Yes, still playing live, which is my preference, for mtts at least, and I played this evening to no avail. Just left a little time for a few games on Sky tonight:
Speedy BH 6/52
GELDY06£9.10 + £8.57 Head Prizes
£20 gtd freeroll 12/279 (but a net loss after add-on)
£100 gtd speed rebuy 3/14
yes dagg - I was as surprised as you were to see me in the £2.20 deepie - I late-regged with 30 seconds to go think it was the speedy rebuy. no complaints though, was great playing alongside K8LOU, greggo & spornybol. And I managed a little cash, but a good roi.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : lol brilliant night, i came back from 1 bb (2k) in the mid stages, thanks a lot for the rail Dale and JJ, really appreciated. And well done to red for coming 4th. Very nice result. TPT all the way lol Posted by LARSON7
I came back from 676.75 chips on FT, with blinds 6K/12K after jamming 44 into AA, got three treble-ups in a row, with junk, to get back up to 24,363, but busted K/10s vs 55.
Strangely, all three junk hand treble-ups had a 5 in them (FT: any 5 is the nutz)
Nice to have you back.
I will see if I can find the Heads-up Challenge Table............
Its been going that long it's probably on my Old windows 3.1 PC or my MS Dos system lol
Good luck all tonight whatever your playing.
Cash from me in the 7.15 deepy
Overall I played very poor tonight though!!
Gl at the tables all
Orfordable D/Stack
VWP to LARSON7 who took it down, TPTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
And a great rail from Flyingdagg & jjjach
wd all on ya cashes,and well done dagg dtd 2nd n1.
gl all trying for spt Newcastle and look forward 2 meeting some of you rabble
anyway my exit hand in 2k b/h 11 quid
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceshirley02 Small blind 400.00 400.00 4947.50 DANIELJW Big blind 800.00 1200.00 21485.25 Your hole cards A 10 trip10s Fold steelrod All-in 4460.00 5660.00 0.00 andrewhall Raise 8120.00 13780.00 3970.00 shirley02 Fold DANIELJW Fold andrewhall Unmatched bet 3660.00 10120.00 7630.00 steelrod Show A 10 andrewhall Show J J Flop J K Q Turn 7 River Q andrewhall Win Full House, Jacks and Queens 10120.00 17750.00
And well done to red for coming 4th. Very nice result.
TPT all the way lol
Me and waller are in for a Charity seat lol
Had to play on the lappy this evening but was struggling to play 4 tables, hands kept folding & certain letters on the keyboard wern't working - no cashes - not one of my best nights.
Oh Well - Always Tomorrow
Nice hand by the way Dagg
Freerolls are a moneypit lol
Bubbled first one today
£8,000 BH Sat
Gl at the tables all.
I came back from 676.75 chips on FT, with blinds 6K/12K after jamming 44 into AA,
got three treble-ups in a row, with junk, to get back up to 24,363, but busted K/10s vs 55.
Strangely, all three junk hand treble-ups had a 5 in them
I had my pocket 10s busted with KK, UTG versus BB all in pre, left me with 2 k, won 4 hands in a row, and it all started from there.
Very well played last night