Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
This hand has all the hallmarks of this site.
Both flop monster hands. Check. River Card changes outcome. Check
How people think the rng is random is just beyond me
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceabbeydaleSmall blind 15.0015.001045.00baggsBig blind 30.0045.00910.00 Your hole cards78 abbeydaleRaise 45.0090.001000.00baggsCall 30.00120.00880.00Flop 695 baggsCheck abbeydaleBet 120.00240.00880.00baggsCall 120.00360.00760.00Turn 7 baggsCheck abbeydaleCheck River 7 baggsBet 270.00630.00490.00abbeydaleCall 270.00900.00610.00baggsShow78 abbeydaleShow55 abbeydaleWinFull House, 5s and 7s900.00 1510.0
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