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Dealing with a re-raiser... annoying almost laugh out loud re-raiser!!!
I guess the villain (sat to my left) must have a good read on me and around three quarters of my preflop bets (4 or 5x fyi) is met with a big reraise from villain. In or out of position regardless he would lead out the flop or reraise my c-bet.
Not experienced serial aggression like this before, and I quickly felt like an atm machine, so left the table but continued to watch from the rail and although villain only played for another 20 mins he didnt appear to be giving anyone else the same level of grief, mind you on reflection no-one else was much raising pre anyway.
However, advice on how to deal with players continually coming over the top please.
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Things you can do to adjust
tighten your opening range, widen your continuing range to 3bets
open for less, this leaves more room for manouver postflop if he adjusts his 3bet size, even if not you lose less if you fold
4bet bluff pre, or call and bluffraise flops
Other than you can fire back but he may have a hand _(
Or just move table where it's a bit more comfortable
wait for the spare seat on his left and give it back to him lol