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How not to play a Turbo DYM Bubble Hand!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceRWM1591Small blind 180.00180.000.00JingleMaBig blind 400.00580.001140.00 Your hole cardsAQ ACEGOONERCall 400.00980.001890.00anderson19Call 400.001380.001590.00JingleMaCheck Flop A10K JingleMaCheck ACEGOONERCheck anderson19Check Turn 5 JingleMaCheck ACEGOONERCheck anderson19Check River 6 JingleMaCheck ACEGOONERCheck anderson19Bet 1200.002580.00390.00JingleMaFold ACEGOONERFold anderson19Unmatched bet 1200.001380.001590.00RWM1591Show108 anderson19Show84 RWM1591WinPair of 10s720.00 720.00
Anderson 19 ended up as the bubble boy, but if I hadnt connected my 23 off when I was short it would have been me!
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