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Swap Shop

edited August 2011 in The Shed
Offering: Vertigo
(Ideal for anyone who want to feel slightly drunk most of the time, and very drunk others without the cost or bother of buying alcohol)

Wants: Good Balance!


  • edited August 2011
    Is there no effective treatment for vertigo? (without Googling I know nothing about it)

  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Swap Shop:
    Is there no effective treatment for vertigo? (without Googling I know nothing about it)
    Posted by NoseyBonk
     Not for me I have a piece of bone missing from my inner ear!
  • edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Swap Shop:
    In Response to Re: Swap Shop :  Not for me I have a piece of bone missing from my inner ear!
    Posted by Donut64
    so you have a bone(r) missing, sounds a strange place to have missing ????
  • edited August 2011
     For those intrested Vertigo is a balance problem as nothing to do with hights. Even though some peoples vertigo is triggered by hights.
     Mine is affected by tiredness, stress, bright light, darkness, a change of light (walking out of a well lit room into a less well lit room or visa versa) and moving my head left to right or right to left (As when crossing the road) also looking directly upwards! But ironcally I have no problem looking down from a tall building!
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