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Will i eva meet anyone that ever folds when behind?!
Not the first time this has happened:
Your hole cardsQA CoxyLboroFold MadHunterFold JugzRaise 120.00165.001887.50SecondBestRaise 240.00405.001522.50RiverIsleFold POOLKINGFold JugzCall 120.00525.001767.50Flop AQ6 JugzCheck SecondBestBet 251.00776.001271.50JugzAll-in 1767.502543.500.00SecondBestAll-in 1271.503815.000.00JugzUnmatched bet 245.003570.00245.00JugzShowQA SecondBestShowJJ Turn 7 River J SecondBestWinThree Jacks3570.00 3570.00Ouchie!!

J x
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