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PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxxxxSmall blind £0.15£0.15£27.06MrWh1teBig blind £0.30£0.45£33.34 Your hole cardsAA xxxxxFold xxxxxFold VillainRaise £0.90£1.35£35.20xxxxxFold MrWh1teRaise £3.00£4.35£30.34VillainCall £2.40£6.75£32.80Flop 210K MrWh1teBet £5.06£11.81£25.28VillainAll-in £32.80£44.61£0.00
Not been sat down long but had got into a few hands with this guy. He would call my bets preflop then fold on the flop and was proberly feeling bullied.
My feelings on the hand:
Preflop I think he has a fairly low range due to his preflop range (usually he would limp) . AK-AT, TT-22, maybe suited connectors. I don't put him on AA KK cause he would reraise.
On flop I have him firmly on TT or AK
I would like this hand taken about in two parts.
Firstly, my move preflop, my bet on flop and my next action to the all-in.
Thanks guys
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Flop bet good.
I snap off the all in.
Second part of the question
What do you think he has?
Board: 2c Th Kh
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 61.469% 61.29% 00.18% 19418 55.50 { AcAd }
Hand 1: 38.531% 38.36% 00.18% 12151 55.50 { TT, 22, AKs, AhQh, AhJh, KTs+, AKo, KQo }
I did call, he flipped KT and I rivered a 2 to wni the pot
Then followed loads of abuse (even after he left the table) about how I was a fish and he knew I had aces and couldnt lay em down etc
only 2 pr and set that are beating you so ...
and he says to you he knew you had acres and still calls pre flop- lol - this guy deserved to lose