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is this classed as a bad beat???????lol
Hand History #403489621 (21:18 16/08/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancepagerSmall blind 40.0040.006280.00tatoheadBig blind 80.00120.002805.00 Your hole cardsA9 ineverfoldFold phillips8Fold made4gameRaise 240.00360.003535.00coolbob21Raise 880.001240.00727.50pagerFold tatoheadFold made4gameCall 640.001880.002895.00Flop 3K5 made4gameCheck coolbob21All-in 727.502607.500.00made4gameCall 727.503335.002167.50made4gameShowA9 coolbob21ShowAK Turn A River K coolbob21WinFull House, Kings and Aces3335.00 3335.00
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