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My first royal flush. Could I have done anything to win more?
Hand History #403689355 (15:39 17/08/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTPic91Small blind £0.02£0.02£15.51tinyglBig blind £0.04£0.06£4.47 Your hole cardsJQ danstar23Call £0.04£0.10£0.53thethirdpoCall £0.04£0.14£3.92LORDISHFold TPic91Call £0.02£0.16£15.49tinyglCheck Flop KA2 TPic91Check tinyglCheck danstar23Check thethirdpoCheck Turn 10 TPic91Check tinyglCheck danstar23Check thethirdpoBet £0.04£0.20£3.88TPic91Fold tinyglCall £0.04£0.24£4.43danstar23Fold River 6 tinyglCheck thethirdpoBet £0.12£0.36£3.76tinyglFold thethirdpoMuck thethirdpoWin £0.22 £3.98thethirdpoReturn £0.12£0.02£4.10
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But thats just me
Firstly DO NOT limp into pots with these type of hands, either raise or fold.
Secondly you did all your betting on the wrong streets. On the flop you have a gutshot nut flushdraw and gutshot royal.This is where you need to be looking at getting chips into the pot when you do not have the made hand but just a massive draw. Doing this will usually keep customers and when you hit the bingo card on the turn you also have the option available to slow down as if it is a scare card which increases the chance of your opponent(s) bluffing the river.
So basically bet before you hit rather than waiting to hit and allowing your opponents away cheaply when you telegraph your hand.
so its me too
If they call everything as you mentioned, why on earth are you not betting at least 75% of the pot on the flop, turn and river??
If they call every raise that's even more reason to raise it up then when you do hit you win a bigger pot.
That's why you should be betting the flop too.