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What level do you start to min raise?
Min raising is very tricky for me.
Probably because I'm a cash player I tend to be able to dance my way out of trouble (when i'm not drunk at 4am obv.)
Where is it okay to min raise? 100/200? 150/300?? later???
I'm currently 3xing every open at all levels inc FT!
I realise this is a huge leak as i'm spewing chips when I dont need to..
Any input welcome!!
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I usually start opening to smaller amount (2.2-2.5x) at around the 40/80 level, also im really laggy in most tournaments and like to open alot throughout, so i tend to find opening smaller gets me alot more pots in position because ppl start to defend light. when you are 3x raising you are getting called from the blinds with a tighter range that is less likely to c/f flops like you want them to. I dont see the point in 3x raises if your decent either, as a cash player surely you would have a better edge when post flop stack sizes allow some manouverabilty.
Despite this, i have no tournament credentials whatsoever
on the flip side if everyone folds to the min raise then carry on esp if you keep getting folds from the bb...
In deepstacks that I play I generally stop 3x raising at about 100/200 level and instead make it something like 500 or a comedy raise of 444 , basically 2.1-2.5x.
The reason you raise less later on is that you should be raising more and hence you won't always have hands and just be blind stealing, this can be done for less than 3x most times so you save money when someone finds a hand.
clearly solid players fold to min raises, so if you have fold equity why not min raise?
I've always thought of it as similar to how shops draw people in with prices like £1.99 rather than £2 even though it's a minute difference.
I think 2.2-2.5 looks less like a steal than a min raise.
PS. Yeah I agree with first reply, I start reducing the size of my raises when the average stack gets to around 30BB