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Oh Sky, you silly little thing. You got me on the river.. again. and again. and again.
xSmall blind 20.0020.001545.00pokerw1tchBig blind 40.0060.001747.50 Your hole cardsQQ xCall 40.00100.006570.00avfcalexRaise 200.00300.002720.00rudders07Fold disturbe04Fold xCall 180.00480.001365.00pokerw1tchFold xCall 160.00640.006410.00Flop 798 xCheck xBet 480.001120.005930.00avfcalexRaise 2080.003200.00640.00xAll-in 1365.004565.000.00xAll-in 5930.0010495.000.00avfcalexAll-in 640.0011135.000.00xUnmatched bet 3690.007445.003690.00xShow10A xShow10A avfcalexShowQQ Turn 3 River A XWinPair of Aces2367.50 2367.50XWinPair of Aces5077.50 8767.50
Deep into yet another tourny that I'd been playing for the best part of an hour.. i would rather have seen a 6 or jack than the seemingly inevitable dreaded river ace. congratulations sky poker.. you got me again
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did you not notice there was a witch at the table!?
again davey taking the pi ss..
christ i just had yet another flush rivered by a fh... was trapping nicely and he hits a river to fh yet again...
ohh that must be variance... my bad luck...mmmmmm,....... REALLY
Debs if you start agreeing with Dohhhhhhh we'll never hear the last of it ....... years of area51 posting gone up in smoke pah!
but the call was the bad thing...
we only know what ppl have afterwards. i do not care if he had the str8 or flush. HE DID NOT.. HE CALLED WITH A HIGH
i did right, i might of played badly ...
Hand History #406509586 (17:07 25/08/2011)
Hand History #406514283 (17:22 25/08/2011)
Hand History #406540920 (18:51 25/08/2011)
it as not about the play.. it was about the rng hitting rivers alot, if u had not noticed the other posts