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need help with tourney play
can anyone help with this
at the early stages i seem to play ok, using position, betting out , even 3 betting a weaker player etc
but as the game continues i see that the chip leaders are way ahead of me.
and if im below the average stack, i feel that i must make a move.
waiting for premium hands is not really an option and it seems that just raising the button to steal doesnt
really increase your stack by much, and as the blinds get higher the more i need to get involved.
should i get busier earlier with less than premium hands?? your best thoughts please
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If your stack is in the 25 to 40 big blind range at any stage you still have plenty of chips to work with, you can still enter pots with medium strength hole cards. Between say 15-25BB you need to tighten up your range and look for stronger hole cards because you can no longer afford to raise (or call) too often only to fold later in the hand. 15BB and under you're in trouble, you need to loosen up again now and play aggresively before you lose all fold equity. A 13-20BB stack is good for 3-bet shoves over frequent openers. From 12BB and below almost any bet you make should be an all-in, preferably as the first to enter the pot, at this stage carefully picking your position and opponents to shove on is more important than hand strength.
completly ignore chip lead and average stack
what you need to look at is how many BB you have and how many you are about to have and understand how to play these stack sizes
average stack is always between 40/50bbs+ so you may have a 25bb stack and below average but this isn't a problem 25bb is more then enough to play with in a anteless tournament and no need to make moves just keep playing your game finding the right spots as you have to remember there is not much point in making moves to steal the blinds as you are only going to increase your stack by 1.5bbs not exactly much of a change.
I don't think its necessary to get busy early with less than premium hands obviously you can play more hands as it is not going to damage your stack much at 10/20-25/50 so playing hands like 78s and other suited connectors are the types of hands i like to play early on a long with pocket pairs but as soon as blinds go to 50/100+ my range differs, obviously it helps to get that early double or even treble your stack as it gives you the option to bully your table play a lot wider range of hands and take control but it is by no means pivotal that you must get busy early.
Best thing to do is to learn how to play a 10-15bb stack if you can master this then this puts you at a good advantage when you do get to this sort of stack, most when they have this stack will have in their heads any ace i get im shoving which can work but in my opinion is not the way to play the short stack as if you are just shoving it in with hands like A2 for the simple fact they have just 10bigs, these aren't exactly hands that are ever going to be that far ahead of others most times when you do get a call you are either going to be totally dominated or flipping at 51/49 work out the ranges to play at a 10-15bb stack and you should be fine when you get to this stage
thaks to all who posted.
having read your posts once, im going to read them again and again.
i think the best advice was about the bb stack and how to play with that amount, so thanks again
to you all